Hi I am currently doing a canine behaviour assignment where I have to ask owners of a breed that I don't know a lot about as to the suitability of that breed of dog as a family pet living in suburbia. So I picked the Siberian Husky. Would any of you owners of the breed please help me and be willing to jot down a few comments about the suitability of owning one of these as a pet? I need you to be as honest as possible in this and to include descriptions of temperament and developmental requirements including whether they can fit into different lifestyles i.e. city dwellers, families with young children etc. And perhaps what type of owner, experienced, new, young, more mature etc. Whether they are suitable for living with other animals too would be helpful. Can you also include how many dogs you currently have (and if they are all Sibes), and how long you have owned Sibe's for. I'm only interested in the comments of owners of Siberian Huskies (sorry to anyone else who wants to have a say) and will fully respect your opinions and comments - this is an assignment for a course so I have to be analytical in my data collection rather than emotional. I appreciate anyone giving me their time to do this. Cheers Karen
This is an article I wrote about the breed which covers most of your points: One important issue to bear in mind is that Siberian Huskies are seriously addictive and can seriously damage your lifestyle. We started with one in 1994 and currently have 14 Siberian Huskies plus a Leonberger and a Shiba Inu. We work them in harness 2 or 3 times each week and show them as well. They also do a lot of PR work for the breed and fundraising for SHWA(UK). There is no doubt that a busy and active husky is a happy husky. From another article I wrote: If you want any further info, please PM me. Mick
Nothing more for me to add. Mick has summed it up beautifully Researched the breed for just under 4 years and have lived with sibes for 18 yrs. We are definately at Stage 12! Best of luck with your assignment. Take care. Seoniad.
Mick Thank you very much for answering my call, the information is fantastic and has helped immensely. Seonaid - thanks for answering too Karen