Chinese Crested itchy and doing belly rubs Questions

Discussion in 'Chinese Crested' started by Dildonia, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    Chinese Crested itchy and doing belly rubs

    I took my guy to the petsmart animal clinic, I had concerns about him rushing to go potty and get back in. He sits like he's under attack on his back end, he also does "belly rubs" on the area rugs[face and sides on occasion]. I had a concern about ringworm but was told it was a reaction to fleas. Bought all this flea stuff and was given Benasoothe shampoo[itchy skin] It worked for like a a day now he does "belly rubs" growling and barking because it's so fun...Why is he doing this it's odd behavior? He is supposed to be an AKC registered Chinese Crested Powder Puff.[The craigslist lady I got him from refuses to give me his paperwork. I want him in my name. An issue for another time]. A month before the clinic trip I bought happy jack xylecide shampoo, it worked for a day or so then back to the "belly rubs". He is 5yrs and has been with me for 6 months on the 22nd. Please any advice? I have even used aveeno trying to help my guy.
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  3. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    I would go to the vet Cheryl, just in case something else is going on.

    With regards to fleas, you usually need to treat the bedding and carpets too.
  4. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    More information:
    I was told he was kennel kept for 5yrs[with Yorkies and Cresteds] and in a couple dogs shows[local I assume]. I am not exactly sure what kennel kept means, but he is spoiled here.
    I tried to make sure the rugs and beds did not have wool in them. I read Chinese Crested can be wool sensitive[and lanolin]. The rugs are polyester[I believe] that a no-no for these little ones?
  5. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I do. Shampoo carpets and wash bedding and blankies once a week along with his weekly bath. I was told from a worker at the clinic moth balls in the vacuum cleaner will kill whatever flea or eggs get vacuumed up.
  6. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Carpets and bedding generally need to be treated as well as vacuumed - at least that is what I've always done :)
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    The belly rubs are most likely because his skin is itchy and its his way of relieving it, Are you sure its fleas, did you or the vet see any on him , ,did vet check for flea dirt to confirm it was fleas. You could give Salmon or Omega 3 fish oil, would also be worth asking your vet about giving him Piriton tablets or Benadryl to help with the itch.
    Was his skin and coat ok when you picked him up from breeder , what conditions was he kept in were they clean.,or Has this only started since you’ve had him,

    Quote He sits like he's under attack on his back end,) does he rub his bum along the floor if so get his Anal Glands checked out.
  8. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I knew he had fleas before we went to the animal clinic. I told the lady when we made the appointment "I know he has fleas." My concern is I think he might have ringworm. Sadly, I was blown off. We spent nearly $200 on flea stuff[Capstar, First Shield Trio, expensive Benasoothe shampoo]. I believe he has some kind of parasite other than the fleas. I am trying to find a vet who is not so costly and who will listen to my concerns about my guy. More often it's belly rubs but a few times he has rubbed him bum in the grass[haven't caught him rubbing bum on carpet only belly] He used to rub his belly in the grass until something made him yelp.. it's an indoor only activity now.
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    If its ringworm, he will have bald patches all over, especially his paws, ears and face.
    , it could be a number of things from food or other Allergies, Bacterial infection or something in the chemicals your using to clean carpets and bedding that’s making him itch.
    Probably not related but Have you wormed him ?.
  10. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    i have an itchy dog but if it was yeast like mine you would notice the odd yeast smell and hed be greasy within days of a bath.
    When does he do it?? i only ask as my mums westies do this weird thing where they nose dive in to carpet and have a good rub, but its always after they have eaten and apparently means they happy and enjoyed it. They also do it after a bath i think to dry off a bit
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I agree with Vee, ringworm usually shows as the hair breaking off in circular patches. I don't know if this helps, but years ago I remember a prominent C.Crested breeder telling me they had over active anal glands - whether that was the breed as a whole or just hers, I don't remember. Another thought, if your dog has been kennelled outside, do you think he could be having trouble adjusting to living in a warm house? Also, have you changed his diet at all? I think it wouldn't hurt to have a gentle word with his breeder, and see if she has any suggestions.
  12. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I used round worm liquid and when I thought it wasn't working, went to petco and bought an 8in1 I think. The food was a roller coaster he eats fresh pet select beef and chicken, he will not eat the lamb. He also eats snack[mommie's little cookie monster]. Beneful stars is one of his favorites. Compassion said to bring him in for a fecal test. The itch is what made me think it was ringworm. My hands would itch after petting him. His hair is in the process of being cut, no bald patches.
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ringworm is unmistakable. My late cat had it and her face and front paws where she licked them to wash her face were affected, although thanks to speedy treatment with anti-biotics and cream once I noticed it, she was cleared and it had completely gone and never returned.

    Unfortunately she also gave it to me and I had a nasty couple of patches on my right forearm where she used to cuddle up to me at night. Also easily cleared with cream and anti-biotics.

    I do not know about clinics at PetCo and whether your dog was seen and diagnosed by a vet, or just an assistant, but unless an hair sample and skin scraping are done there is no way to know exactly what causes the itching - unless it is an allergy in which case it will be trial and error to find out what the allergen actually is.
  14. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    There are no bald patches on him. We are cutting his hair short so I can see anything or nothing. I contacted the craigslist lady back in July requesting his akc paperwork[I just want my dog in my name]... She started calling me a puppy mill and telling me how the dog is not happy with me. She hugged and kissed my cheek when I took this dog back in March. She did not contact me to see if the dog was working out.. not once. It was me asking because he would not eat or drink. I have well water so I buy primo water for him to drink. Craigslist lady used to feed him once a day at 2pm with her girls. I feed him breakfast and supper, snacks for lunch. He weighs 9.5lbs now. I was told he was kept with yorkies and cresteds, that's all I know about his kennel years. I will not contact this woman again. He is a powderpuff. I read a few things about the differences between the powderpuffs and the hairless. She said he ate cesar's and nutro, but not for me. He eats fresh pet select. I cut a slice in half.. breakfast & supper, snacks for lunch.
  15. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    Petsmart banfield animal hospital not petco. They blew me off and said fleas. It's something else. I wanted banfield as my vet until.... They wanted to talk to my boyfriend more than me, which is fine if it's our dog, but he's my dog. I know the issues I have not the boyfriend[I don't think he likes my dog]. I went there and asked about worms. I wanted the skin test. I'm going to do a fecal test.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Apologies Cheryl for saying PetCo and not PetSmart. I do not understand though why you want to talk to your boyfriend and not you, if the dog is yours.

    I also do not understand why on earth the breeder will not let you have the papers to transfer ownership to you but as I have no idea how the AKC works I am afraid that I cannot help you with that.

    I just hope you get your furkid sorted, whatever is wrong with him.
  17. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    Know anything about fearful dogs? My recent issue: I have long hair almost sitting on it..I usually keep it in a ponytail. Oswald looks at me with big eyes and backs away. When I tie it up here he comes. Odd. Why?
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Who knows Cheryl. Dogs have minds of their own and us mere humans have no idea of what they think about or why.

    My dog shares my bed and she always gets on it before I do, but shifts over to let me get in [she sleeps on top, not in the bed]. And before I get in I lay on top and look at her, just about nose to nose, and ask her what she is thinking.

    Of course she does not answer, just gives me a look as if to say "hey, I am a dog, how do you expect me to answer you?"

    So why Oswald is fearful of your hair unless it is tied up, who knows. Maybe someone in his past had long hair and was a bit unpleasant to him? Maybe he came across an Afghan Hound or similar with long hair that bothered him?
  19. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Has she gave you a reason as to why she wont let you have the papers, did you sign any kind of contract ?
  20. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    When I seen the ad in March 2014, I emailed no price listed for the adult male powder puff. I knew how expensive they were thanks to google, but to my surprise the asking price was $75. I made an appointment for Saturday, after about an hour or so, she waived the fee and I carried the dog out & went home. She didn't contact me to check on him. I contacted her because I was throwing away food. I was worried he wasn't eating or drinking. She said he would drink out of mud puddles. :eek:! She gave me a hug & kiss on the cheek upon leaving with the dog. She threatened to come get him in July when I requested his paperwork claiming he wasn't happy with me and I was a puppy mill[not that it matters but Oswald is my only pet]. Thank goodness she doesn't know where I live. I will not contact her again. I love my guy, I will never give him up.
  21. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I forgot, she did put in the ad his parents are both champions.. Why list that but not release paperwork? Doesn't make sense. He is my companion I just thought the paperwork in my name would be nice.

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