Come to the conclussion that Honeys at the heavier end of her type. Photos

Discussion in 'Hound Forum' started by chaz, Aug 10, 2010.

  1. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Come to the conclussion that Honeys at the heavier end of her type.

    Long title, but that is what I have come to, Honey is not over weight, but she is naturally heavier then some others her type, she weighs 26kg and is 24tts, not overly heavy, but I haven't seen or heard of any dogs of her cross (Saluki Greyhound) who are much over the 20kg mark (if you have one or know of one that or have any dog of a simalar type feel free to add them on here too, aslong as you bring pics ;)) theres one down the road who is a couple of inches smaller and weighs around 15kgs, who is a healthy dog, but is naturally smaller, Diesel funnily enough is the same size, and just a bit heavier then Honey, he's just over 26kgs, and 24tts. I've also come to the conclussion that Honey has more of the Greyhound build (although not fully muscular like a Grey) but more of the Saluki size.

    I'm also wondering whether being heavier set is a blessing or a curse, both dogs that I have experience with are not dogs that you would expect to break in the wind, but Honey has had more injuries then the other dog, I'm wondering whether this has to do with weight, Honey is slightly faster, but with the added force of her weight I'm wondering whether with added force on impact on certain things she has more behind her to make the injury worse, but that is just a theory.

    Heres a few pics of Honey,
    What she looks like running,

    Standing [​IMG]

    And one that kind of shows the muscles she has, [​IMG]

    So she is not what I would consider a heavier dog, just one that is naturally more heavier then others.
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  3. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    I'd say your Honey is perfect ! she looks fab, they say you should be able to see the last two ribs.:001:

    Bella we think is a grey/saluki/collie and she weighs 24kgs and is arround 23 tts
    I have to upload some standing ones from my camera.

  4. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    That pic of Bella is amazing, sighthounds are such elegant beutiful dogs aren't they :D I'm glad that there is another dog more simalar in weight to mine though :) I don't think Honey is over weight, just a bit of a chunky monkey in build compared to some other dogs ;)
  5. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Honey's not overweight at all. She looks perfect. :mrgreen:
  6. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    She looks fine to me. My friend who bred Willow sometimes takes in rescue lurchers. She has a saluki/greyhound pup who came to her like a skeleton with skin on it. He is now a big strapping dog is about 9 months old and is big as her ex racing greyhound who is a big lad. He is still growing and I would guess he is well over 30kg when we saw him in June.

    She has started working him on her permission and he is prooving to be a cracking dog working with the lamp and she has also started teaching him to work with her ferrets.
  7. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Any photos of the 30kg boy :mrgreen: he sounds lovely, I've not seen or heard of one so big before, and I'm a massive fan of big dogs :D
  8. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Chaz heres a photo of my other girl Kym, an ex racer, she is 6 - she weighs 30kgs

  9. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Love her, where did her collar come from, that is great too, and I'm a collar addict lol.
  10. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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  11. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I'll have to have a look through them sites :D I'm so bad with collars though, also rescues seem to like that :lol: my dogs even have their own set of drawers, there only two different drawers, and I know that once they are full its time to give some to a rescue lol, last year the dogs had around 20 different leads and collars each :blush: although they always have to match, and some of them wasn't worn anywhere but the house :blush: mind you the house collars wasn't meant to be :mrgreen:
  12. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Blimey i haven't got quite as many as you, but i love coats and fleeces as well !
  13. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I've had to rehome their coats too, I'm having to get them some more of them soon, although I know now where they are coming from, and what colours they will be lol, although the place I am buying from sells collars and tassles too, I've always wanted a tassle or two for them....
  14. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Its like having dollies to dress up eh :lol: i've got two boys so never get the chance to buy anything remotely girlie so i like buying girlie coats and collars (sad i know) where do you get their coats and bits from then ?
  15. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    Sorry I don't have any photos of him he isn't my dog he belongs to a friend.
  16. Deedee1321

    Deedee1321 New Member

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    Much cheaper than buying shoes :lol:

    Honey looks perfect to me, she's lovely

    Dee x
  17. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Honey looks great.
    Mo (Grey/Saluki) is 20kg and I think 21" but I will have to check that.
    Her muscles are very defined in her chest and hind quarters just like Honey but I think Mo has more "padding" along her back.

    The second pic of Honey is very similar to Mo :grin:
  18. Vicki6344


    Likes Received:
    Honey looks just perfect to me! :049:
  19. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    Honey looks fine to me,
    This is Kyiro who is about 32kg



    No pics of him running I'm afraid as although he is only 3 he says the word "RETIRED" in Retired greyhound is very important.
    I just call him bone idle :lol:
  20. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Wow! he's stunning and just perfect! Me loves!!:mrgreen:
  21. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Anywhere I like the look of them :lol: some come from pet shops, I don't know why I buy them there, them ones don't last long, as they look nice but aren't very suitable for sighthound types, some come from greyhoundsinneed, they should be getting some things from Jansgifts soon too (I've had a time of it with the vets and trying to sort out a rabbit which is costing me money coz of his problems so I've had to stop for a while) I've recently seen this website, I'm liking the things on here, although they wouldn't be fore day to day walks lol,

    I'm also going to get some coats on here, although I'll more then likely get some coats from other places too, they need more then one you know ;), I would have some more links and places as they're bookmarked on my computer, but I'm not on my one right now :(

    Aww thats a shame, I bet he's lovely.

    It really is cheaper, mind you I always look like a tramp walking them coz its through fields a lot of the time, theres no point me trying to look nice there and thanks :)

    Mo is lovely, :007: :007: :007: does Mo also with her 'padding' have it along her back with a line where it stops? Honey has muscle there, and it looks a bit funny lol bless her.

    Thanks :)

    Kyiro is lovely, lol retired, tell him Honey is five in December and still runs about, Diesel is four and acts more like a puppy now then he did when he was a puppy, go figure, lazy hounds are great though.

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