Yes and no.... On the whole they stay youthful and full of fun all of their lives, but age will play a part ( as with most dogs) in their activity levels. The boxers mind and outlook on life will stay forever young, but sadly age and age related issues will slow them down , but they never lose exuberance for life.
I think that's very well put @Jackie - I know and see quite a few Boxers around here, and that certainly rings true for them
Thankyou Jackie, they are one of my most favorite breeds and I hope to get one someday. There also used to be some concerns about cancer in the breed , is that still the case or was it ever an issue?
Yes cancer is a problem in the breed, hopefully one day we will be able to eradicate it, just like with us.
Isn't there a special genetic study into cancer and Boxers Jackie? I read that the stud and results of it could help the Boxers rates fall well below average.
Not sure about that Azz, there is one into Cardiomyopathy though. Sadly I think Boxers like many other breeds are prone to cancer, just like us,