Female vs Male Vizsla General Chat

Discussion in 'Hungarian Vizsla' started by DocBot, May 18, 2020.

  1. DocBot

    DocBot New Member

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    Female vs Male Vizsla

    We have always had male dogs. This will be our first Vizsla. Does anyone have any advice on which would be better?

    This will be a family dog first and foremost. We have no small children in the house until grandchilren some day. We have a cat.
    My husband and I do plan on training it for bird hunting.

    any advice would be helpful
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I haven't had a Vizsla but I have owned around 25 dogs of 6 different breeds. I have not really found there is very much difference between owning a dog or a bitch. Maybe the males stayed more active after their middle years, and the girls became a little more laid back, but that would be a sweeping generalisation - there are always exceptions.
    For a working dog, I would pick an active puppy that is not hand shy, and is responsive to the human voice. If he/she has a mischievous streak - so much the better - not a rebel, but a bit of character is a bonus. Of course, the parents should have had all the recommended health tests for the breed, particularly low hip and elbow scores.

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