For information - Long legged or Irish Staff General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by leadstaffs, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    For information - Long legged or Irish Staff

    Anyone wanting to own a long legged or Irish Stafford please read

    There has been considerable media and public attention regarding the rapid growth in the numbers of so called ‘status dogs’ on our streets in the last few years. Irresponsible dog ownership is largely to blame for problems caused when dogs are used as fashion accessories or weapons as part of the urban sub-culture. The use of Pit Bull Type dogs has reached worrying epidemic proportions.

    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the 5th most popular dog in the UK. Owners must promote all that is good about our beloved breed. Its friendly nature, loyalty and solid stoic temperament make it such a wonderful pet. Whenever you have the opportunity you should promote the virtues of the breed.

    You will encounter those people who have a pre-conceived idea about the SBT and their prejudices may be difficult to overcome, never become involved in any arguments. The only way to deal with negativity is to demonstrate by your actions that SBT owners are responsible and caring people. When you are out in public it’s always wise to keep your dog on a lead and under control (This is a legal requirement of all breeds of dogs).
    If your dog is not happy around other dogs, Keep it on a lead at all times. No SBT should be aggressive with people. If you are concerned about your dogs behaviour, seek professional advice

    Your dog may be trustworthy but should a problem arise it may be that your dog will be held accountable and therefore would come under the opuses of the DDA . Fewer incidents of SBT’s involved in altercations will, hopefully in time have the effect, that the prejudices some people may have, are examined and everyone will have a better appreciation/understanding of these loyal companions.


    In response to the meteoric rise in the number of banned dangerous dogs in use in the UK the Metropolitan Police formed the ‘ Status Dog Unit’ in early 2009. The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 refers to Pitbull Terrier Type, Dogo Argentino Type, Fila Brazilia Type and Japanese Tosa Type. The important thing here is to recognize the word ‘Type’.

    The Dangerous Dogs Act should not affect the majority of Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owners but there are some important facts to be aware of:

    How might I become in contact with the Status Dog Unit?, (SDU)

    The Status Dog Unit is obliged to investigate;

    a) Should your dog stray and is then placed into an RSPCA centre or handed into a Dog Warden. They will report the incident to the SDU if they have any suspicions that it is of a banned breed type.

    b) If you are confronted by a police officer or dog warden who is suspicious that your dog may be of a banned breed type, or is of any type or breed that appears to be “dangerously out of control in a public place”. This offence is aggravated if the dog injures a person whilst out of control. The SDU will be called in to assess the dog

    What Is The Procedure Relating To The Seizure Of Any Dog

    If a Police Officer or Dog Warden makes the assessment that your dog is banned under the DDA and decide to seize it, you must allow the Official to remove the dog, (failure to do so, means you could be arrested under public disturbance and obstructing justice laws.

    You are not required by Law and nor should you sign over control of you dog, (if you are in any doubt seek urgent advice), don’t be bullied into signing your dog over, only a court decision can determine the eventual outcome involving the future of any dog. You are entitled to be informed of the name of the Police Officer dealing with the impending case.

    A Officer from the Status Dog Unit will make an assessment of your dog and if he decides it is in fact a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the dog will be returned to you at the earliest convenience.

    Should the DSDU Officer decide that the dog is in fact of a Pit bull type the dog will be removed and placed in kennels under section 1 of the DDA.

    If the SDU Officer believe that the dog has not been used in the process of criminal activity or been used protecting the assets of crime and you are deemed a responsible owner he will apply to the courts to place the dog on the Index of Exempt Dogs under 4B of the DDA 1997 amendment.

    Your dog will be neutered, tattooed and/or micro-chipped, the full cost to be met by the SDU. You will be obligated to ensure that the dog is muzzled in a public place and is never, in public, under the care/control of a Minor.

    Your dog will require valid insurance and the insurer must be made aware of the dog’s IED, (Index of Exempt Dog), status, you will receive an exemption certificate valid for the remainder of the life of the dog. You will have to notify IED of any changes to your circumstances such as a change of address and upon the death of the said dog.

    The certificate relates to a specific dog and is not transferable. A Police Officer or Dog Warden may ask for the certificate to be produced on request, to which request you must adhere. Failure to comply with any of the requirements will mean you are in breach of a court order and therefore liable to further prosecution.
    This process should take approximately 21 days from the time of
    Application by the SDU, your dog will remain in kennels until the
    completion of the process.
    The SDU will not accept KC registration papers, DNA profiling or the
    opinion of a Championship Show judge as proof that your dog is a SBT.

    The remaining action left open to you is to take the case to court. A date
    will be set, the SDU Officer will appear as the prosecutions expert witness,
    the onus will be on you to find your own expert witness, (This is where KC papers,
    DNA profiling and micro-chipped dogs may prove to be invaluable evidence),
    To counter the argument, put forward by the SDU.

    The fate of your dog will be decided by the court, at the time of writing the
    time scale for this course of action, is not known. However your dog will
    remain in kennels until the matter is resolved by the court.

    We have been reliably informed that the Metropolitan Police do not intend
    to hold a Dangerous Dogs Amnesty for Pit Bull Type Dogs, such as the
    Amnesty held in Merseyside two years ago. We are also informed that both
    Birmingham and Manchester Police Forces are in the process of forming Status Dog Units,
    with other regional forces expected to follow suit.

    A couple of points for you to consider and hopefully act upon

    Control of Dogs Act 1992; At all times in Public Places Your dog
    must wear a collar with a tag, showing your name and address on it,.
    Failure to do so could result in your dog being seized by the Local Authority.
    You would then be liable to face prosecution and be fined up to £5000.00p if you are
    found guilty.

    b) If your dog does go astray or missing and you are subsequently notified by a Dog Warden
    that it as been found and placed in care you must, respond within 7 days for the dogs return to you,
    failure to do so would mean you would no longer be the legal owner of the dog and would have no
    further claim to the dogs ownership.

    Animal welfare Act 2006: All the relevant information is contained in
    The society’s Code of Ethics that all members are expected to abide by.

    Breed Council’s Official statement on Breed specific legislation:

    We oppose the entire principle of breed specific legislation believing
    that this deflects the debate about Public Safety away from human and
    dog behaviour, focusing instead on appearance.

    b) Where breed specific legislation is imposed by the Government we
    reserve the right to explain why the Staffordshire Bull Terrier should not be
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  3. Krusewalker


    Likes Received:
    Brilliant post

    thank you

    Q 1: is the Status dog Unit run by the DLO's?
    Or are they still separate departments?

    Q2: are you connected with deenotbreed, BBAS, or DDA Watch?

    One point: a stray dog would not be handed into an RSPCA branch (or any other type of rescue), unless that particular branch or rescue holds that local council stray dog kenneling contract, or does so as an emergency stop gap favour (usually at weekends) until the dog warden collects the dog and takes it to the actual contracted stray dog kennel.
    The institution that holds nearly all the stray dog kenneling contracts for every local council borough of London is Battersea Dogs Home.
  4. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sorry don't know what DLO means

    These units are run by the police, I think it is the met based in London.
    The units are being rolled out in different areas.

    I am not connected to any of those organisations, I am a breed club Secretary.
    The information I have put up is an advisory leaflet put out by Southern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club and they have given me permission to cross post as they wan the information to get to as many people as possible.

    The Status Dogs Unit, SDU is on the breed council agenda at our next meeting in November.

    They have been running since April this year.

    They do not believe their are any grey areas in terms of type.
    i.e 18" at the withers is Pit bull type, if you want to contest it then you have to go to court even if your dog has KC papers, is DNA profiled and a Champ show judge says it is a Stafford you will still have to go to court to prove innocence. This is one law were you are guilty and you have to prove innocence.
  5. Krusewalker


    Likes Received:
    DLO means Dog Liaison Officer.
    All police forces have them.
    for example, the police force of Herts has one.
    The met has loads, nearly 1 for each borough.

    their duties are twofold:
    running the police dogs unit
    enforcing the DDA and performing the section 1 assessments.
    does this mean this role has been removed from the DLO's of London and now given to these new SDU officers?
  6. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

    Likes Received:
    The unit will be new but most likely will have officers with previous experience. The Officers will be the ones who are police dog handlers who have been on a course. :shock:

    So most likely they will the same people as part of this unit.
  7. Krusewalker


    Likes Received:
    found the answer now:

    btw - DLO means dog Legislation Officer, not dog liason offcier, my mistake

    in the Met, the DLO's come under the DSU department (Dog Support Unit)

    The SDU will be a sub department of this covering the whole of London with a Sergeant, 5 officers, and one admin.

    These will all be existing DSU/DLO people, but will concentrate solely on the SDU and have nothing to with the Dogs Unit of the Met, unlike the rest of the DLO's, whom can still do both
  8. Sal

    Sal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Can I have permission to crosspost Please ?
  9. Fudgeley

    Fudgeley New Member

    Likes Received:
    This is an amazing post, very informative.
  10. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

    Likes Received:
    Yes please credit Southern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club.

    It is already on a couple of breed specific sites
  11. sbt4eva

    sbt4eva New Member

    Likes Received:
    Fantastic post thank you for sharing.
    please may i post on our forum?
    will credit Southern Counties SBTC
  12. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thats fine
  13. longford

    longford New Member

    Likes Received:
    They shouldnt be worrying people but fighting it end off as you would know as a breed club Secretary there are many KC staffs fall out of the DESIRED HEIGHT I think its personally a witch hunt for the more athlectic kc dogs ALSO YOU SHOULD PUT IN YOUR LEAFLET AT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU SIGN YOUR DOG OVER TO THE AUTHORITIES AS THEY WILL BE ABLE TO PUT YOUR DOG TO SLEEP,ALSO ARE THERE ANY INFO ON THERE FOR ORGINIZATIONS WHO DEAL WITH BSL???
  14. Sal

    Sal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Did you read it properly ?
    If so you would have seen the following,
    You are not required by Law and nor should you sign over control of you dog, (if you are in any doubt seek urgent advice), don’t be bullied into signing your dog over,
  15. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

    Likes Received:
    No need to shout at me. It is in the information that you should not sign your dog over to the police and I am very aware that their are many KC registered Staffords that meet the type description. I own one.
    I have also sat at my phone from morning to night trying to help people who have had dogs seized and visited police cells to try and get seized dogs freed during the Merside amnesty.
    I have also put on here that it is not my leaflet but has been put together by Southern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club, I got permission to cross post so as many people as possible would know about it.
    I am not the breed club sec for Southern Counties but I am willing to support anyone who does something other than whing

    The Breed council and all of the clubs have been working at fighting this for years.
  16. Krusewalker


    Likes Received:
    Longford, you are bashing your ally

    one good point though: i would add the anti BSL campaign groups as well

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