Fracture care Health

Discussion in 'Italian Greyhound' started by Jd1479, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. Jd1479

    Jd1479 New Member

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    Fracture care

    My beautiful iggy has a chronic transverse distal fracture of the right radius and ulna. Our surgeon placed a titanium plate and screws in his little leg and told us to confine him to a crate. The surgeon also gave me a medication to calm him but I hear his stomach rumble after taking it and it doesn’t seem to sedate him much or at all. I am trying my best to get him to chill out in the crate, but he goes manic and chews the metal of the crate, jumps, moves his legs (including broken one) and screams. I’ve tried sitting next to the crate, playing music, different lights etc.. none of it works.
    At the last check up the surgeon said the titanium plate is bending.
    I just want my IG to heal well and live a happy life. It wasn’t good news.
    I have now removed all couches from my house. My bed is on the floor instead of the frame. There’s nothing for him to jump on and off of. Ive also barricaded the stairs. He’s so full of energy. Even after taken all the next set of precautions I feel he is too active. I really don’t know what to do anymore because I am spending almost all day with my IG and I still feel as if I could restrict his movement more, in a better way. He has another surgery to fix the titanium plate coming up this week as his leg is slightly bending backwards, If you have any advice on healing this fracture, the titanium plate bending, sedative medication, rebuilding atrophied muscle, keeping an IG calm/ methods for minimal activity or anything pertaining to the topic please do share!
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Have you talked to the surgeon about a different sedative?

    Maybe rather than crating, you can put him on a leash. That will allow him to move around with you, but you can control how active he is. I have found that some dogs don't like crates because it separates them from you - with a leash, he can go with you to the kitchen or bathroom and thereby might not be so anxious and stressed.
  4. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Can you get hold of a second hand pram? He may enjoy going for a ride outside.

    Calming games - find the lady - three cups, treat under one, let him watch you 'shuffle' them and ask him to pick a cup

    Which hand - treat in one hand behind your back, bring both hands to the front and ask him to choose which hand

    Instead of the crate, have you tried sectioning a small area off that is Iggy size. He may find that more acceptable

    It's always hit and miss finding things that exercise their mind and tiring them out while still keeping the body calm, but hopefully it will be possible to allow the break to heal
  5. Jd1479

    Jd1479 New Member

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    Thank you! I try to play little games with him, only ones where he can stay still for the most part. Too much jumping around food/ treats. Typically I pretend my finger is a fly and buzz it around and he loves to watch lol.
  6. Chris

    Chris Member

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    A good time to teach 'touch'.

    Touching different hands, different objects etc for reward.

    Can easily be taught while he is laying down and again will stretch his mind.

    Mental activity can be as tiring as physical so always good to have plenty of tricks up your sleeve

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