Part of the ear removed - cropped. _crop_my_great_dane_puppy.htm No idea why anyone would want to inflict a painful procedure on a puppy for aesthetic reasons - and this is in NO way similar to tail docking IMO.
They cut off half their ears then tape them so they stand up. Extremely painful, and imo ugly as sin on all but dobies (dont shoot me, but I think dobies look good with their ears done) not that it should be legal mind you.
I have to say, I thought the same... I just don't understand how people could put pups through something so horrible...
Upsets me to even THINK about it. My minpin had already had her tail docked when I got her. I would have left it. But I ADORE her big ears - they are always on the move and when the sun is shining it shines THROUGH them!
oooh i love great dane puppies, but they look so much better with floppy ears! i dont like ear cropping, although we had a german import doberman in at the kennels once with cropped ears, and i did prefer the look of him, but i would never do it to a dog.