"Greyhound Walks" to hell with the health of the greyhounds! Controversial

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Claude Robiere, Jun 28, 2011.

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  1. Claude Robiere

    Claude Robiere

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    "Greyhound Walks" to hell with the health of the greyhounds!

    Sunday 26th of June, the website "Greyhound Walks" had organised a series of greyhound walks across England. This coincided with the hottest day in the UK so far this year. The more enlightened greyhound owners are well aware that heat kills greyhounds, so were the walks cancelled? what do you think. Greyhound Walks itself is run by very inexperienced greyhound owners who don't like criticism, so it would have been pointless complaining.

    The day after, a post appeared on their Forum: "Keep em Cool", with tips on how to keep your hounds comfortable in the current oppressive weather.

    It beggars belief after going ahead with their walks on the hottest day of the year so far, when there was a distinct possibility of medical problems with the hounds forced to join in this debacle that this should appear the very next day. Not prior to these poor hounds being dragged from pillar to post to create a new greyhound walking record, but after. Sometimes I despair of my fellow man.
    The more responsible greyhound owners would never put their charges at risk because correct me if I am wrong, didn't we re-home a greyhound to keep it safe from harm..
    Greyhound Walks has turned owning a greyhound into a circus whether the greyhound likes it or not. Home a greyhound! and you can join our walks, what an epitaph for the poor maligned greyhound who thought it was safe when taken out of its kennel into a new life, but then finds he/she is to be used as nothing more than a social attachment.
    No wonder so many hounds are returned to the kennels when the novelty wears off.
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  3. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I would think that in most places there were being walked where they had a chance to be cooler, I know that last year around here it was in a woods that was a lot cooler then anywhere else around, I also haven't heard of anyone whose dogs suffered because of it, many people know of the dangers aswell and prepare for it in advance, and the local ones around here the person who runs it is friends with the local RGT kennel owner/manager, I've even spoken to her about the chances of my friend getting a dog, have you even spoken to Greyhound walks about your issues with them? All the hound owners I know would never put their dog at risk, but are up for going out on a good day, if the dogs showed signs of suffering I doubt that anyone would go on with the walk.
  4. Claude Robiere

    Claude Robiere

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    You have also have to take into account these are mainly inexperienced greyhound owners who are still learning all the intricasies that surround the hound. You could ask a greyhound trainer with thirty years experience if they knew all there was to know about greyhounds, and the reply would be in the negative.You never know all there is to know about the greyhound.
  5. larrythelabrat

    larrythelabrat New Member

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    The original post was made by Bryan Leach - a well know trouble maker. He's banned from countless Greyhound / dog related forums, and has been the subject of "interest" by Essex Police.
    The above post has already been removed from one forum - hence why he's posted it here.

    Bryan has continued to attack the work of Greyhound Walks, a registered charity and highly respected organisation that makes the welfare of dogs at its' events a number 1 priority.
    Therefore we're taking legal advice on what action to take against Mr Leach.
  6. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    No, you can never learn everything, and I feel sorry for the people who think that they do, but thinking that everyone who went on this walk doesn't care about their dogs, don't know enough about them, and are selfishly putting their wants infront of their dogs needs makes you sound a bit jeolous, sad, pathetic and lonely.

    Ok, well I wont be replying anymore, but I did email someone who might want to know about this rubbish.
  7. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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