Growth in mouth Health

Discussion in 'Dobermann' started by Trouble, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Growth in mouth

    Not even sure this is the right place as it's not breed specific but I couldn't see a general health section.

    Rio my female Dobermann is 8 she's raw fed but stopped eating anything with bone although still keen to eat. I had a look in her mouth and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. She's been raw fed for a few years and usually tackles anything with relish. She was due her 6 monthly propalin check up anyway, so phoned and made the appointment saying I think she might have possibly broken a tooth so I wanted a double appointment. The appointment was only a couple of days later and in the mean time she had developed a growth/ abcess totally encasing one of her top incisors. Anyway the vet did the propalin check up and took bloods to check everything was in order to proceed with a GA. She wouldn't let him look in her mouth but said at her age it was probably gum disease and she'd need a dental under GA and he'd have a proper look then. She was given a course of antibiotics to reduce the infection. The bloods came back showing more protein than he was happy with, so did a full urine analysis to see if the kidneys were compromised. The test results were cause for slight concern but nothing major. She had a second course of antibiotics as the swelling looked bigger to me and she was struggling to eat anything with any texture at all although she still had an appetite. She was given pain killers in the hope if the pain was reduced eating would be easier, although there was no real evidence of pain I just knew if that thing was in my mouth I'd be in agony. I had a chat with the vet when I picked up her last lot of antibiotics and told him I wasn't convinced it was a gum disease issue and thought it was more likely a tumour and wanted him to do xrays to be sure and when he had her under the GA he'd see for himself why I was so concerned. The thing is these days they tend to quote you a price upfront for anything major as we're talking several hundred pounds and I wanted the xrays done so we knew exactly what we're dealing with, without cost being an issue.
    So the appointment for the GA was made for today. I took her in at 10am and got a phone call at 2.30 this afternoon to say she was awake and quite lively and Gordon wanted to have a chat about what he found. We went in at 4.20 and he had the xrays and photo's on the screen to show me. He decided she didn't need a dental and her teeth and gums are actually in good nick but the xrays and photo's clearly show several ulcerated areas on the roof of her mouth, no wonder she's struggling to eat. The xrays reveal a translucent area at the front of the roof of her mouth and the bone apparently feels slightly mobile. He's sent off samples for biopsy which will take about a week, he's put a rush on them and will call me as soon as the results are back but it's not looking great, we're thinking oral cancer and pts once we know for sure. He did say it's possible it's something with an unpronounceable name (well for me anyway) but he's not hopeful. She's home, she's eaten and is now sleeping. She has yet another, different AB's and more pain killers to last the week.
    It is what it is [​IMG] and we'll deal with it but if anyone has any ideas/ suggestions as to what to feed her this week all suggestions welcome. She's currently living on yoghurt and raw eggs beaten and sardines fed separately. It has to be smooth as anything with texture clearly aggravates her mouth. It doesn't have to be raw, she managed a couple of tiny tins of Hills A/D critical care earlier. If you can imagine having several large ulcers in your mouth you'll get the picture.
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  3. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    So sorry to learn Rio is poorly Shirley :(
    I have already posted on Dogsey but will do so here too for the benefit of others ..

    I guess lapping liquid may be less painful than eating because it is being 'thrown' down the throat and not touching the roof of the mouth so much. I would consider giving Rio chicken Complan from the chemist, it can be added to the porridge or yogurt and eggs.
    When Millie (the puppy I lost a couple of years ago) was too ill to eat I ask the vet if it was ok to give her complan and he said yes fine, get anything you can down her.

    Years ago we used to give sick dogs Brands Essence of beef and chicken, it is very nutritious can still be purchased or you can make your own.

    I hope Rio will be ok ...
  4. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I'll try anything Meg tbh and the chicken essence sounds like it will tempt her, I've told the OH to pick up some complan on his way home in the morning too.

    All suggestions gratefully received because my mind has gone blank.
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    CaroleC likes this.
    Sorry to hear about Rio Shirley, dental pain can be the worst - when I had an abscess it was the worst pain ever.

    When fighting an infection taking electrolytes is very important as they get depleted quickly. So I would try some cooked chicken with a little mashed potato and as many carrots (and green veg) as tolerated, with clarified butter. Butter has actually got powerful immune boosting properties thanks to butyrate (butyric acid). All this mixed together should be very appealing too - it will smell nice :)

    Sending you positives vibes, please keep us posted on her *hug*
  6. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    i have no idea if this is any help atall or if you can even give it to dogs. when ive had bad ulcers ect in my mouth ive used ambasol its amazing. mouth totally numb but it does involve touching the ulcer so not sure if rio will let you do it. I really hope she is feeling better soon
  7. maedie

    maedie New Member

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    Bonni likes this.
    Hello Shirley,
    We are sorry to hear about Rio. A mixture of Honey and cinnamon can help to soothe Rio's mouth ulcers. 1 tablespoon of Honey mixed with 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon - 3 times per day if possible. Most dogs like the taste of honey and cinnamon. Honey and Cinnamon is known to strengthen the immune system and protect the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Also if Rio will take some ice chips, this may lessen her pain too. Matilda Belle sends Rio love and healing snuggles and licks ♥
  8. Janet

    Janet Member

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    So sorry to hear this.

    Would there be anything you could put in a blender and liquidize so she could lap it up?

    I hope she feels better soon.
  9. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    She's worrying me to death tbh. I know the outlook is grim but at this rate she won't last the week. She's had a tiny 125gms of the critical care food this morning and a couple of licks of yoghurt after much persuasion. she hasn't drunk anything since coming home yesterday afternoon no matter what I offer and hasn't had a wee or poo either. Her back legs are a bit unsteady too but better this morning than last night. She refuses to eat out of her bowl and will only eat off a small side plate or chopping board on the floor. Food has to be presented n small quantities or she simply walks away. If by some miracle I give her something she wants and eats I then have to refill the plate several times till she decides she's had enough. Her skull has become painfully thin over the past few days and she's lost several kilo's.
  10. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Sorry to hear about Rio :( it looks like you have tried all that I would have suggested.

    Star had trouble eating at the end stage of her bone cancer due to the nasal tumour but managed with the help of strong painkillers. Not sure if you are still using any?
  11. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    She's on tramadol twice a day. Because this thing is in the roof of her mouth I do think it's encroaching on her nasal passages as she's been snoring and snorting, something she's never done before. The growth itself is looking worse than ever because they removed part of it to biopsy so now it's bloody and sore too.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Poor Rio and poor you Shirley. :cry: Have you tried her on any blitzed cottage cheese?
  13. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Yes she had two licks and that was it. She won't even drink water, water with marmite, diluted milk anything. She's sitting in the conservatory with a choice of dishes and steadfastly ignoring them all.
  14. Bonni

    Bonni Member

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    My thoughts are with you and Rio I sincerely hope she gets well soon.

    Have you tried juicing some veg with a little fruit to sweeten it up?
  15. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    I'm so sorry to hear about Rio. My lovely cat Pushkin had to be PTS after developing cancer of the mouth as did my son's dog Kemel. I know how helpless one feels watching them suffering. I don't know if it will help but to keep Kemel hydrated my son used a large turkey basting syringe filled with water which he gently squirted into the dogs mouth.
  16. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I was getting so concerned about her lack of drinking that I decided to try syringing tiny amounts into her mouth. The only syringe I have is tiny as it's for her propalin and only holds a max of 1.5ml at a time. Well that really annoyed her and she maybe got .5ml. She kept walking up to her yoghurt with raw eggs and walking away again, so I put some on my finger and wiped it inside her lips at the side. She was pretty annoyed but it seems to have worked because after running outside and doing a couple of circuits of the patio, she came inside and ate most of it. She's also had a huge wee, thankfully. Looks like I'm going to have to annoy her again later, but if it works I'll do it.
  17. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Glad she's got out and had a bit of a walk.

    I'm glad Bonnie mentioned juicing, when I had an abscess a few years ago I was juicing organic carrots and almost immediately after drinking it I felt like it gave me a boost of energy! I now know why that is - infections cause a loss of vital electrolytes and of course vegetable juice is very high in minerals. So I definitely second carrot juice - but it has to be freshly squeezed, because it will have the enzymes in tact that way.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Sorry Shirley to hear she's not doing to good....I think you just have to keep doing as you are...I feel fir you both xx
  19. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Well I feel like I'm bullying her but about 4.30 this afternoon I managed to
    persuade her to eat an entire large can of mashed up pilchards by throwing them on the conservatory floor a spoonful at a time. I did the same with some yoghurt but she gave that a miss after a couple of licks. She kept going back to lick the floor where the pilchards had been so I did the same thing with a tin of sardines, which she polished off too. No real interest in the yoghurt or cottage cheese so the others have polished those off. I then tried her on some chicken complan and she's had about half a serving. That's the most she's eaten in days. No idea why it's better off the floor but as long as she eats she can do as she pleases.
  20. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    That's great news - and actually oily fish is super good because of the Omega 3 content :023: I am sure it will do her the world of good :)
  21. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Bonni likes this.
    All ideas and suggestions gratefully received.
    She's definitely trying now, she's eaten a whole full size can of dog food from the vets this morning, it was like concrete so I mashed it down with warm water and she scoffed the lot in 3 separate servings and was looking for more, I gave her a tin of sardines when the OH decided to mash her tablets into it. That was it she walked away. It's so hard to get her to take the tablets so I know why he did it but I'd rather she just eat and we'll battle with the tablets later. Giving her the tablets is a two man job and she still always gets the upper hand, gotta admire the girls spirit. I inadvertently touched the roof of her mouth with my thumb pad yesterday trying to open her mouth and she screamed in pain, so I guess I touched an ulcerated area, which reduced the pair of us to tears. Still today she's weeing normally and is steady on her legs again and actively seeking food. I just wish she could talk and tell me what she fancies today, bless her.

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