I am looking for some help and advice for how to get my GSP to poop outside. We recently moved to an area with much more wildlife and she is very over stimulated outside. She will get in position to poop and the smallest noise, moth, bird, anything will distract her. I have spent days with her going in and out in regular intervals. I will come inside and she will start her spin to get in position. I will go immediately back out and she is too distracted. I am at a loss for what to do. She will hold it all day and has gone 24 hours before finally going usually at a crazy hour of 3am when the wildlife is quiet. We are on a regular schedule and are out at the same time every morning, unless she is waking me up at 3 to go potty. Please any advice. I can't spend all day outside and it isn't healthy for her to be holding it.
You could try sectioning off a small space for her to do her business. Sides high enough that she can't see over. She may feel more secure doing her stuff if she can see it as a place where she won't be disturbed
Do you have her on a leash when you take her out? If not, do so. Then just stand in one spot with her, nice and boring. Then wait. Keep waiting. When she starts to go, say "go poop". Then wait. If she poops, praise her and then let her explore and watch the wildlife for a while. That teaches her that pooping doesn't mean an end to the fun. If she doesn't poop, take her back inside and wait 10 minutes or until she's about to go (whichever comes first). You want to teach her that pooping/peeing comes first, then fun. As she starts to realize that she gets to enjoy the wildlife IF she poops, she'll start pooping right away. And by saying "go poop" just as she starts to go, she will connect the phrase with the action. And then you can just say "go poop" if she gets sidetracked in the future. It takes a few long waits outside, but with consistency she'll work it out.
A good post from @Toedtoes above. I use treats to help my dogs keep the mind focussed on the job in hand. When they poop I act as if they have given me the best present that they can - which means a big fuss, and an immediate small but very tasty treat! Actually I tend to keep this going pretty well throughout life as I find it useful to have a dog which will make itself comfortable on command - especially before a long journey, or if the dog has to be left for a while.. Don't let your pup pick up on your frustration when she doesn't go straight away. This will only generate anxiety, and increase the fidgeting behaviour.
Yep. The bigger the praise the better. Tornado-dog has picked up cues so well that if he barks at the back door to come in, I can yell out "did you go poop?" - if it goes quiet, he forgot and is taking care of business; if he barks a second time, he remembered and is ready to come in.