Gsp vibrating / trembling Behaviour

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by inspiredbynature, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. inspiredbynature

    inspiredbynature New Member

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    Gsp vibrating / trembling

    Hi everyone, I have a 1 1/2 yr old female gsp. She has a great personality, extremely smart and 100% bird crazy. From day one I would see her body start to vibrate when she got worked up about something ( example: spotting a bird in the yard she holds a point and her hind begins to tremble ). I assumed this was natural to the breeds high energy.

    I am aware that she has some separation anxiety. Riding in my truck she panics if I have to stop and run into pay for gas. She's with my most of the time since I work from home. But I am trying small steps at a time to get her to better accept me being out of sight for short periods.

    As I said, she's very smart and has learned over 30 commands so far. She's very treat driven to learn. She's now slightly over weight at 56 lbs so I have cut her back some on treats. This has brought to my attention that the trembling I've been seeing may not be a natural breed behavior.

    Usually if she wants treats she grabs her bumper and comes to me to offer it in trade. I'd normally take that oportunity to do a training session. Cutting back on the treats I've been turning her down at times and only showing attention as reward. This puts her into a frenzy because she really wants the treats. Her body trembles, she becomes extremely vocal with whines, hides under the bed groaning and whining. Now I'm also noticing she has smaller constant trembles while she's snuggled up to me, as though she's cold.

    I'm going to discuss this with her vet on July 12th but wanted to get some opinions from experienced gsp owners to see if trembling is any part of a gsp hyper personality? Sorry for the very long post.
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  3. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Hi Rob, welcome.

    It's difficult to tell really, without seeing a video (can you upload one to YouTube?). It's possible she is getting super excited but I would check with the vet just in case - please pop back and let us know what they say.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    The trembling does really sound like hyper-excitement. One way to still cut back on the treats, but still have training sessions is to substitute games, fuss etc in place of some of the treats. It's always useful to do anyway as it keeps them guessing and makes training sessions more fun.

    Yes, definitely worth checking with your vet, but my guess without seeing her is just over-excitement.

    Please let us know what your vet advises
  5. inspiredbynature

    inspiredbynature New Member

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    Thanks for the replies. Saw the vet yesterday and her best guess is it's more than likely Tessy's breeds nature. Possibly a lil of a spoiled side exaggerating the behavior as well. I couldn't get a video as requested but will try to best describe it. The vibrations / tremors when Tessy's at her calmest are like a person who gets a chill. She lays snuggled up and her body vibrates off and on. At her worst is when she points on a bird or brings her bumper to trade for treats, she vibrates from head to toe ( birds she's silent, treats she whines if you don't give in ). The hiding away under a bed groaning and whining while she vibrates is the spoiled side because she's not getting what she wants. The vets opinion is the vibrations are her excitement and only being 1 1/2 years old it takes her a while to unwind. Laying snuggled with off and on vibrations is her trying to calm down. If anyone with gsp experience could reply I'd like to hear if you agree or disagree in your opinions

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