Hair missing on my english bull puppy Health

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by BenNy BuLLdOg, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. BenNy BuLLdOg

    BenNy BuLLdOg New Member

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    Hair missing on my english bull puppy

    So....there are 3 small spots ("hot spots" i've heard they are called) where there is no hair anymore on my english bull around his shoulder, towards his tail, and on his foot. He does not seem uncomfortable, and does not itch, he does not have parasites or fleas. Will this clear on its own or is there any home treatment I could try?
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  3. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Not sure if this is a bull terrier or bulldog but as you are describing the patches it could be an allergy. You say the pup has no parasites, how do you know has he had a skin scrape?
  4. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    A hot spot would be an itchy sore where the dog has chewed at it, I have a lot of them on my dog, he suffers with bad skin conditions. If you say there is NO itching, maybe he hasn't chewed it himself then (due to the itching!) is it just bald, the fur has gone? In which case you could try "green oils" there is another name for it, maybe cornicresine (sp?) your vet would know, and it will start the fur growing back. Hope that helps?:)
  5. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    i think I`d get this checked by the vet in case it`s ringworm or some other nasty. :shock:
  6. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    That’s what I wondered, that or Demodex which is why I asked if it had had a skin scrape done. The OP said the dog had no parasites but without a scrape it would be impossible to know.
  7. BenNy BuLLdOg

    BenNy BuLLdOg New Member

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    he did have both a scrape, and a stool sample fungus or parasite present....also to clarify he is an english bulldog, not terrier....thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming...i just noticed another spot on his belly near his rib cage...he's just finished up with his daily shots of antibiotics (1 shot /day, for 5 days)....and the vet also gave some fatty acid liquid ( same concept as the advantage flea control stuff)....I do that weekly for him...also I put 1 Tspn of salmon oil in his food once per day, I know this is supposed to help with skin and immune system, but so far nothing is clearing up.....
  8. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    The salmon oil is fantastic for skin, so you're doing right there. Has the vet actually diagnosed what the problem is with his skin? Is it Pyoderma, Wet Ecezma, Atopy, etc. etc. etc. Do you know what it is? If it's any of the above, then giving Piritons (allergy relief tablets) 3 or 4 times a day might help, it certainly helps with my dog? Ask your vet next time you go in. Do you know about Hibiscrub to clean the hot spots? Also ask the vet he will have some. Good luck, hope it clears up.
  9. BenNy BuLLdOg

    BenNy BuLLdOg New Member

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    The earliest I can get into the vet is 11 August...hope that will be enough time to diagnose/ fix this!
  10. BenNy BuLLdOg

    BenNy BuLLdOg New Member

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    ok update on Benny! He was into the vet at the beginning of this week. He had his skin scrapings tested and turns out he has demodex mange mites. Apparently its genetic. He is on some liquids and pills...and he should heal up over the next 2 - 4 weeks. His condition should not return after he has gotten better. I am told I will not be able to breed him, and I would have to inform the breeder of the situation. I've heard from people that used the same breeder as i did, that she gets them from a puppy farm in poland, and brings them here to germany. Also I've seen another dog around that is from this breeder, and had a similar condition.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2008
  11. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Demodex is very common. Some people think that the dogs have that mite on their skin all the time and it only shows when the dogs immune system looses the battle against them slightly. My vet doesn't think that all dogs have it but apparantly their is still research into it.

    It is not infectious from dog to dog, only from mum to her pups.

    Tonks had it as a youngter but the bald patch went away again quickly. It's common in staffordshire too. Tonks was the only one in her litter who had bald patches, but would not be the only one who has the mites on her skin.

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