Oh my pretty little Tikva Tikki Tikki Tikva I love you And my pretty little Tikva Tikki Tikki Tikva loves me too And my pretty little Tikva Tikki Tikki Tikva's 5 today Let's all shout out loud now Woof Woof Woof Hip Hip Hooray!
Tikki sez fanks for brifday forts an' i opes mum iz not mad coz i av chukkt evryfink on de flor an' 'er 'as ter pikkit alll up. And mum says that the little booga has just about wrecked the salon - I think that her idea of celebrating was to drag her nest [which was originally a very nice velvety throw] off the couch and onto the floor and chucking her toys all over the place woofling to herself while she was doing it! She might be five-year-old now but she still has the occasional puppy mad half hour It is all quiet now but I dare not look behind me as I dread to think what I will have to pick up - or even where everything is now. How on earth that tiny, far too young, little scrap of scrunched up face and fat pink belly even survived, let alone thrived, and how on earth I managed with Tikki either eeping for a bottle or eeping because she was lost, getting stuck under the refrigerator so many times even when I thought I had blocked off where she had gotten round the back and then under it...... I will never know. She is a happy little wubble and I love her - most of the time!