What a lovely photo with those big dark eyes. Happy Barkday Tikva. I hope you had a great present! Lots of Love from Carole and Tally xx Let's not mention the V word!
I know - how can Tikva be a V already? She is a definite Petra Pan - never seems to have grown out of her puppyhood, although at least she cannot get stuck under the fridge/freezer now!
No, no, no, no NO! I refuse to believe that 'ickle Ticki is 7. Not possible. No siree Happy Birthday sweet girl. Hope it's been wonderful for you xxx
Chris - my ickle Tikki, who was far too young to have left the nest, is seven-years-old. And I have been singing Happy Birthday to her all day!
Time really does fly, doesn't it. I look at Rosie and can't believe she will be 11 in September. I'm sure it was only yesterday I picked up a little ball of fluff that had grown into my wonderful girl. I'm sure you feel the same about Tikva. She wouldn't be here without you Juli. Give her a massive cuddle from me x