Hello, This is my first post, so treat me well lol. I got a rough collie around 6 months ago, her face is fully white and I’ve had people telling me she’s not purebred because of that? It’s my first rough collie and it’s very uncommon in the area I’m from. I’ll attach pics of the parents and of the pupper. Hope ya’ll can help clear my doubt! Is it possible for a purebred to have a white face ?!
Hi Jean, the photo with the three Collies on - are these your dogs, or the breeders dogs? Are you in the US? The reason I ask is that they all have rather a lot of white on them, - at least they would have for the UK standard, where white is not a recognised colour. The AKC standard does recognise white as a colour in Rough Collies, so it is reasonable to assume that in attempting to breed them, there are bound to be puppies born that are neither traditionally marked sables or whites. This is a long winded way of saying I really don't know whether your girl is pure bred. If this is important to you, or if you were wanting to challenge the breeder, it might be worth dna testing her to settle the question.
Have you got a pedigree? Can't say if she is purebred or not but it is possible to get them with a white head by mating 2 blue merles together, which is now banned in UK due to health reasons. https://www.wicani.co.uk/the-white-collie https://rainshadecollies.com/crystal-2/
Hey Carol, Yes those are the breeder dogs, aka her parents. It’s not important for me, but I just wanted to clear out the doubts. The owners don’t have pedigree, instead they have a certificate of purity. Here are a few more pics of the pup, I was wondering if this is how a female pup normally looks at 8 months .
Thanks for letting me know there’s a possibility of her being white. I don’t have pedigree but her parents have a certificate of purity and all other pups of her litter carry common collie colors.
No idea whether she's pure or not, but my she's beautiful. I've had folk saying my girl isn't pure Border Terrier, others who insist she is. Personally, my view is that she is just my lovable, mischievous Rosie and I could care less what others think about her breeding.
@Jean Curcio If you Google for images of Rough Collie puppies, you should be able to guess how developed she is for her age. @GsdSlave The Wicani link was very interesting Vee. I have come across genetically merle BC's which looked nothing like a merle. It is also interesting that the Smooth Collie standard has just been amended, making it a fault for white markings to extend to behind the withers, or to come any higher than the hock. My first dog was a white WSD, but she had the typical sable head markings, and a large sable splot on her back. Happy days!