Hi all I'm new to this forum lark..but it seems from reading the threads a nice friendly space. We've had a beautiful little girl pup for nearly 4 weeks now ..she's 12 weeks and just want some general advice ..we lost our cocker just over a year ago at 12 1/2 he was such a beautiful boy and we thought hard about another dog..but if you're a doggy you're a doggy! We chose a border collie as they love exercise and we have lovely walks where we are..she can sit ..lay down ..stay for a few steps away..and is not doing to bad on a lead..she has mad half hours where she nips and bites abit which I'm starting to keep on top of abit with a command "off" ..? She has abit of anxiety when you go out ..if anyone can help ? I'd just like to know how to treat this beautiful little Einstein as I know from reading up quite extensively they are abit different from other breeds..what's our next few months gonba be like ??
They really are wonderful dogs. Don't over-exercise in the first year. Start off with 15 to 20 minutes on lead then build up very slowly or you risk hurting the joints until the growth plates settle at 12-18 months. They are very clever dogs and if their brain isn't exercised, they will find plenty of ways to exercise it themselves (usually not in the way you would prefer). Play training games with her to stop her being bored. The first 18 months to 2 years have you wondering what on Earth you've let yourself in for, then they seem to magically calm down to the point of being funny, mischievous, wonderful companions that will keep you smiling
Thanks for that I'm prob just over thinking at the moment all i read is training and stimulating I just want to do the best for her ..I think she gets enough at the moment..we just love her quirkiness already and I'm sure it'll only get better ..
It already sounds as if you know what your doing They are an adorable breed, highly intelligent and eager to please, a great combo Boredom is her enemy, so, as already advised don’t over exercise her but keep her stimulated Have you researched about how much sleep she should have, you sometimes need to encourage her to sleep, it’s super important at that age for mental and physical reasons Philippa