How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Everyone who is able to take up on it Juli both to protect ourselves and those like yourself who can't have it.

    As for the idiot who had a go at you and your country, well, there are no words, but idiots abound on the internet
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  3. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I decided it’s a good idea to have a backup pair of glasses, and I can wear the old ones when doing something like running my chainsaw.

    I am feeling much better than I was. I’m not all the way there yet but making progress. I still get a small headache some nights and my neck can be stiffer in the morning. I had a slight headache this afternoon. I generally do not get headaches so I attribute any that I get to the concussion. Less light sensitivity but not all the way with that yet either. I can’t remember how my memory is doing
  4. Chris

    Chris Member

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    :) :) :)
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    As spectacles cost so much, can you get something like safety spectacles to fit over your own while using your chainsaw? Or even something like the face shields that medical staff [and others] are currently wearing?
    [/QUOTE]I can’t remember how my memory is doing[/QUOTE]
    Welcome to the club!
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    A typical demonstration of memory loss is the above post, when a certain person [who shall not be named in case she incriminates herself] forgot to check which QUOTE and /QUOTE to use when, umm, quoting from another post. :oops:
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The Moshav has been hit hard. It is not showing up yet on the Ministry of Health charts but they are usually a week out of date for actual area cases, but Amit gets details through because of his first responder duties. He was on ambulance duty last night and he has just telephoned me with the current news, which is not good.

    As of today there are nearly 30 confirmed cases on this small Moshav, and over 100 close contacts isolating in one room. It is positively frightening, and we are supposedly just coming out of lockdown again?
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Oh dear, that is worrying. People will not stop gathering for weddings and religious gatherings. I suppose they all think it won't happen to them!
    I hope it flies away from your bungalow. Stay safe Juli.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    There have not been any gatherings on the Moshav - even Shabbat services for the men have been held in very small groups outside the synagogues here. So someone must have brought in from town or somewhere, or someone from outside coming onto the Moshav for some reason.

    It is bad Carole - such a very small place to have been hit by so many cases and contacts.
  10. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Juli, I feel for you. It's terrifying when we just hear total numbers, but when it's very close to home it's beyond that.

    We had similar a while ago. Our very small village was hit with comparatively very high numbers. Now, we have one of the very lowest rates in the country, so keep that chin up and hopefully it will be the same on your Moshav too x
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris, the Moshav is so small - there is only the one tiny macolet and the mailboxes are at the side of it, so everyone here, except for the housebounds like me, go to the macolet to buy food, go to the mailboxes to collect their mail - and if over a hundred people are having to isolate it means that at least one person from that household is going to have to go to the macolet, or to collect mail. And they were presumably in contact with the person isolating before they knew they had to - and it is worrying.

    Strange - Hai from the macolet telephoned me around midday to ask if I was OK - he had obviously heard about the situation. He knows if I want something I telephone him and this was the first time he had called me out of the blue - and he'd sent someone over yesterday with a couple of things so he knew I did not need anything. Then when Amit called and told me, and said to be even more careful than usual - and I was thinking heck, I took something from someone yesterday...

    And my internet keeps dropping so I am losing everything I start to do and cannot contact anyone.
  12. Chris

    Chris Member

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    This virus truly is scary. I just want it over, but that still seems a fair way off.

    Stay safe Juli. xx
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am keeping as safe as I can, Chris. I have been sheltering in my home for 12 days short of a year now, but I have to take in grocery and other deliveries and even though I keep well away from the drivers, I still have to touch the things to put them away, and you cannot wash every item - I mean how do you wash a bag of frozen vegetables or a bag of mixed salad?

    Sure I can, and do wash my hands after touching everything, but I cannot live in a sealed bubble and live on air, not touching anything at all.

    And now with computer problems caused by the internet dropping every few minutes [due to the weather, no doubt] - most of the time I am out of contact with everyone.
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have just been able to check and all the confirmed cases are connected to one of the kindergartens on the Moshav. The figure shows 15 confirmed cases but it is not an up to date figure and does not give any addresses so I do not know which families are involved. Just that the cases originated from the kindergarten.
  15. Jcarpentier

    Jcarpentier Member

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    @Malka, I did not realize Israel was so heavily populated! I don't like the virus spreading anywhere with any number. Our 7-day new positive case number has dwindled to around 150 on average daily. I am hoping these new variants that are emerging do not make the numbers go up again, for anybody.

    I know its a small number compared to many other areas but I just don't like it one bit.

    Take care and stay safe!
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @Jcarpentier - yes, Israel is a small country but with a lot of people living in it.

    My Moshav is tiny and the details Amit was given were as of 18 February for the previous three days. There are 28 confirmed cases and 108 individuals isolating waiting for test results, who have presumably been in contact with the other members of their households. The Ministry of Health published figures that showed 15 confirmed cases are over a week out of date.

    It is coming up to 6pm here on Shabbat, and today has been sunny and dry after days of rain, and yet the usual Shabbat promenade of families with their young broods has not happened. Normally the slightly older children are out on their bikes or just playing in the street because of course there are no cars on the Moshav on Shabbat, but the place has been like a ghost town. I have seen less than a dozen people go past all day.
  17. Jcarpentier

    Jcarpentier Member

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    Malka and CaroleC like this.
    It's all so very surreal and sad. I just want life back! I didn't say normal life because after this mess normal will look different.
  18. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    They have just started vaccinating people with the pfeizer vaccine here in Australia now .
    With the prime minister being one of the first to try help convince people it’s safe .
    Can’t say I’ll be lining up anytime soon , I’m not in the immediate priority category I would imagine , so that’s fine by me
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Confirmed cases on the Moshav are now up to 45. It is madness. Utter madness.
  20. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Well I over did it the last few days (not today) and had a concussion symptoms relapse. I got really woozy like my BP had dropped and had to sit down and was worried I might not make it to my porch steps to sit. At the same time I was having some numbness and tingling in my left hand... well of course I’m thinking did I just have a little heart attack or mini stroke, cause I was off balance and dizzy, plus the hand. Well when I went to physical therapy this morning and told the PT what was going on, she asked me what I’d been doing. Well I’ve been tearing down an old cabin, two stories, 20ft x 12ft. So Tuesday and Wednesday I’d been crowbarring apart lumber, chainsawing up wall sections that my friend had cut and pushed off the cabin. I was caring it all to various different piles. Old redwood that I’m going to repurpose, plywood worth keeping, some other lumber worth keeping and all the stuff I need to load up and haul to the dump. So the numbness in my hand (and arm) was from repetitive motions and the muscles impinging nerves. She gave me stretches. The woozy and off balance feeling is a reoccurrence of concussion symptoms because I was doing to much. This is way harder than I’ve worked in months. Today Is 11 weeks since I got the concussion. I still feel a bit off so I will definitely take her advice and take two more days off, and take more breaks while I’m working. They told me I should push myself but I don’t think she meant tear down a small house.... I definitely don’t want this to linger so I have to balance my desire and motivation for this project, and my short and long term health. Health wins. I’m going to slow down.

    So this is an exciting project that I’ve been wanting to do for years. I thought I was going to remodel this building, but once the Sheetrock and paneling was removed I could see whoever had originally built it had no idea what they were doing. I’m replacing it with a new, better, bigger building, hopefully finished enough for me to move into by the end of summer. Having to pace myself might hinder that goal.

    On the new glasses front, I now have two new pairs!! I called them not even a week after getting the first pair because I thought they should darken more in my vehicle. So they ordered me a different company’s version and let me keep the first ones, just had to pay for another frame. Well it turns out it wasn’t the glasses, it was my eyes still being light sensitive.
  21. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    Sounds like you've got quite a project on your hands.. I have been following your story and wish you well and hope your recovery continues in leaps and bounds..

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