How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Hope everyone is well and has support if you can't, or don't want to risk going out? Check on your vulnerable neighbours (safely), make sure they are ok and have what they need, including food and medication.
    Stay safe everyone.
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  3. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    I will never use Amazon after seeing a documentary about their ethics!
  4. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    I wouldn't like to see what Mucky D's is like today on its last day of opening!
  5. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    I would love to go cycling in this glorious weather, but am thinking of the ex co workers of mine in the NHS, who are already at breaking point without me adding to their numbers by possiblity having an accidental fall or being hit by a dangerous driver, not paying attention while on their mobile! So it hurts to see all these reckless and selfish people out in droves at seasides, parks and countryside's, treating it as everyone has said, like a public holiday.

    Please, help the NHS. Stay at home unless it's necessary!
  6. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I have a job that is considered essential, which at the moment feels like a mixed blessing. I’m still getting paid, even getting a temporary “hazard pay” raise, as well as a hazard bonus on my next paycheck. Of course if I get sick having to deal with customers then.... I find it very stressful to be at work, as people are still learning social distancing. I will get asked a question by someone and I will back away, and they keep stepping towards me, until I put out my arm with my hand up... it’s rather frustrating. I work 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, and in all honesty, since I’m already exposed, I’d just assume work another day just to stay busy, but that probably won’t happen as they’d have to pay me overtime (which they did last week as they were shorthanded).

    I wonder if the flu I had at the end of January could have been Coronavirus... My lungs really hurt, had a fever, drenching my sheets and T-shirts at night, a cough, and I was drained for weeks afterwards. This thing has been around longer than some authorities would like to admit.

    The grocery stores are starting to have more on the shelves now, but canned goods and frozen vegetables disappear fast. Some have marks on the floor to distance customers in line waiting to pay. One store closed down the bulk bins, but another has washed them all and now has a gloved employee getting out what you need. This same store also has the cashiers change gloves for each customer. I wonder how long they will be able to keep that up.. They also are not allowing reusable bags in this store anymore, instead they supply free paper bags (which they used to charge for).

    We still don’t have enough tests here in the US, and the idiot president is still downplaying the situation, although taking it more seriously than before. Personally I think he’s more worried about how this might effect him getting re-elected and his legacy than how it’s actually effecting people. He blamed the Obama administration for a lack of masks etc, even though he’s been in office for over 3 years. We really need an adult in charge right now, not a narcissist. He continually counters what others are saying, giving mixed messages. Very frustrating. Oh yea, he also calls the Coronavirus the China virus... which is just not helpful.

    Hopefully more people will get how important the social distancing is and not to many people will die or end up with damaged lungs. It’s very strange and surrealistic going out and seeing people wearing gloves and some with masks. I’m trying to not let this stress me out to much, but honestly it’s hard for me. Get stuck in my head thinking about it, or reading about it too much on my off days...

    Glad all the regulars on here are doing ok at the moment. Stay safe and smart everyone. Thanks again @Malka for starting this thread, and sorry to hear that Amazon won’t ship to you anymore, I’m sure you could really use that cushion.

    Take care all
  7. Chris

    Chris Member

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    My grandson has been sent home from work today because one of his co-workers has confirmed Coronavirus. He's self isolating for 7 days

    I hope and pray that he doesn't get it, but it has certainly brought home even more how very real this enemy is :(
  8. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I hope he is ok. Are they only having people self isolate for 7 days in the UK? Here it’s 14 days.

    I do wonder how long it will be until someone at my work gets it, and then we will all be told to go home for 14 days and the store will be shut down for a bit..
  9. Chris

    Chris Member

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    7 days if they live alone and are not showing symptoms.

    We are now in full lockdown. The Prime Minister gave an address to the Nation at 8.30 pm.
  10. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    To stop people thinking it's ok to go out and put others at risk, they should not just have a fine, but they're names given to the NHS so if they turn up with the virus, they're put at the end of the queue!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No comment...

  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I think there is a possibility that I might have it, but how do you know that it is Covid19, and not some other bug? I am on day 5 of a constant headache, which doesn't respond to paracetamol, and feeling nauseous. We are told not to take ibuprofen. My temperature has been up to 100° - but also down to 97° - hardly a fever. The previously dry slight cough is now becoming a moist one, and I have never slept so much as I have the last couple of days. I don't feel very ill, I have had bronchitis and pneumonia in the past, and certainly felt worse with those. One good thing is that the tablet that I already take for lupus, (hydroxychloroquine), is the one that is supposed to help with Covid infections. Of course we are isolating ourselves, but I am worried that if it is the dreaded bug, I could pass it to my OH, who is 82. Just wait and see I guess.
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I hope not Carole, I really hope not. The problem is that different people suffer from different symptoms - it is not just a dry cough and high fever. The latter would not be much use in my case as my normal temperature is way below average - months of daily temperature taking for a fertility chart taught me that many years ago.

    The following is from

    Think back from five days ago - where had you been and who were you in contact with for the week before that? Do you know if any of those people have been or are ill?
  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I don't have any digestive symptoms, though some of my food does seem to have a different taste. Where was I last week? Well, the most notable entries in my diary are Eddie's vet appointments, but must say they were being careful to keep us apart. I got a call today to say that Eddie's regular thyroxine and sulphasalazine were ready, but suggesting that they post them out to me.
    Apart from that, supermarket shopping would be the most likely contact. I haven't heard of any outbreak in our town. Our dog walking is just us, with little more than a nod and hello if we pass anyone else. I can't really see it being Covid, but knowing that it is around, it does make you worry.
  16. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Carole, phone 111. They will give you advice and give you a fair idea of what you are dealing with. Also tell them your concerns about your hubby
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think it is only normal to worry Carole - those who do not worry are the idiots who ignore lockdowns and curfews, spreading this and other viruses.

    Thanks to my beloved Pereg I keep online diaries. Two of them with the same information in them both. I do not write an entry every day now but I do note down if something specific has happened.

    And thanks to the calendar and alarm/clock programs on Windows 10, I can keep track of various dates, when things are due, orders to make and when they are due for delivery etc - so I can usually find out if I met anyone on any particular day. So I know that the last time I was in actual physical contact with anyone was on March 10 when I got quick hugs from two little boys who came with their aunt to bring me goodies for the festival of Purim. And I have not been anywhere near anyone since then. Even Ninja has kept well away from me, putting anything he has brought on the table.
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I definitely agree, and hope you can get through to them quickly.
  19. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    A friend who works for BT said his colleague went to a house for a job, and they said they had no symptoms when he enquired. But they we're all coughing and spluttering after he entered the property and gave him the Virus!
    How can people be so selfish and deceitful?
  20. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Because some people are selfish and deceitful. The "me-me-me" people.

    If BT means British Telecom, I do wish that Bezeq, our telephone people, would get off their blank blank blanks and fix my telephone landline. They do not have to come into my home as the fault is outside. I know it is outside because this is the third time and on each of the previous two occasions the techies said that it was a fault in the box outside between my home and the one the other side. Their telephone line is OK - it is just mine that keeps going down.

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