How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Marc - it took me far longer than 18 months to accept not just my limitations but also the fact that nothing I, or any doctor, could do, was going to make it better - and that things were only going to get worse.

    But I am still here, getting on for 30 years later, when it would have been so easy to have given up years ago. I am losing more and more use of my body now, especially my right arm, which is my dominant arm, being right-handed - and recently had a nightmare few weeks until I was able to get new batteries for my electric wheelchair, trying to manage with my manual chair.

    As long as I am able to look after Tikva and live independently, I refuse to give up. I no longer worry about what I cannot do, nor do I fret about being unable to do "normal" things. I accept my limitations and am just grateful for being alive.
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  3. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I’ve been smelling smoke on and off for the last hour. I looked on the Fire website and nothing near me at all. Must be blowing in from somewhere else in the state. I hadn’t had that feeling I get when there’s smoke in the air for awhile. It’s almost 2 years ago when a third of the county was evacuated from their homes because of a fire that raged for weeks. I live down what’s called a blind canyon. Only one way in or out for vehicles.
  4. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Quite a worry. I have a 'friend' in New Zealand who lives in a similar location - fires and flood rescue have to be planned for, but she's been lucky so far. Fingers crossed that the smoke is a stray air current, or someone safely clearing some waste.
  5. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Nobody is allowed to burn any waste this time of year. That is strictly forbidden. It’s been so dry, and hot, that anybody burning anything, beyond a barbecue, is incredibly short sighted
  6. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Interest rates are due to rise tomorrow in an effort to curb inflation, petrol is at £1.72.7 a litre and that's come down from just short of £1.80 here and higher in other parts of the country and our politicians are showing all they are good for is stabbing each other in the back. The World's gone mad :(
  7. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    I have just received my energy estimates for the next 12 months, starting September '22. I have two choices from the current supplier. The variable tariff starts with an increase of 66% over what we pay at present, but there will be three (unknown) increases, which are to be added in stages over the next 12 months. The fixed price tariff is approaching three times the amount we currently pay.
    It looks like being a miserable Winter for the majority of ordinary folk.
  8. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    That sounds like it will put a lot of people in a huge pinch, possibly deciding between food, electricity, and or heat. People who survive on a fixed income will be forced to make unfathomable choices.
  9. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Is it about £400 the Government is giving to help with fuel costs? Won't even cover a month if we put all five storage heaters on. Thick fleece pajamas and a fleece blanket looks like getting some hammer this winter :(
  10. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    My daughter and her family have all taken to wearing Oodies - an oversized hooded garment with soft fleece inside and out. With his illness, Chas is always cold, so she sent one for him too. (Thankfully she picked grey). It is very snuggly and I'm surprised to say that he does seem to like wearing it when he is settled in one place. I might have to get one for myself!
  11. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I think we are all going to be dressed like the Mitchelin man in our homes this winter, Carole. It's like a throw back in time to when we were first married and had our kids with not central heating and ice on the insides of the windows :(
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    That's how I grew up Chris - no central heating, just a small boiler in the kitchen for hot water [which had to be kept alight all year round or no hot water] - a coal fire in the living room and fire in the dining room. No heating anywhere else, let alone upstairs, and bedroom windows covered with thick ice on the inside.

    As for my marital home, we just had an electric fire in the living room.

    But at the moment I've got more things to worry about as there is a flare up of trouble here again.
  13. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    We had a small gas fire in the living room and that was it. It was murder when the kids were at the stage of night feeds :)

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are in the middle of it all again Juli. I have everything crossed that things calm down soon for you.

    I've just had the week from hell trying to pack up my son's flat and move him to another flat one floor down. All done now and the 'movers' are coming in tomorrow, but it's not easy with a handicapped lad who is adamant he is right and you are wrong even though his way would have meant the job never got done :) So, as you can imagine, I didn't need anything else to worry about, but, alas, my youngest has just informed me he has Covid. Thankfully, he's had all his jabs so. fingers crossed, he'll be OK
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    It has gone 1am here Chris - I have a live blog coming through from one of the Israeli newspapers on one open tab - Google Alerts coming through on my main email account, more on another one - looks like it is going to be a bad night as sirens are wailing not only here in the south but as far north as Tel Aviv. And the dull thump thump thump of Iron Dome being deployed - living where I do, in such an open area, noise travels such a distance.

    Tikva was in her safe place most of the evening, between my chair and the bookshelves. It quietened down earlier so she went out for a pee - just as she squatted to do it there were more thumps so she shot in. I have now put her to bed and hope she will settle OK until I go in there, but I do not feel like sleeping yet.

    It is only about 14 months since the last lot. And now it is happening again.

    I hope your lad's move goes off without too much of a hitch - and that your youngest gets over Covid quickly.
  15. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    My OH had a collapse on Wed. morning and has been taken into hospital for further investigations. They have paused his chemotherapy as he isn't strong enough. He has lost a lot of weight and condition. I can't see him driving in the near future. Tally and I are both very worried.
    We had been hoping to use the break in his treatment to see a private consultant for my arthritis, but hey ho, just bad timing. I have kind neighbours who are taking me to see him, otherwise it would be a long taxi journey. I am down to painful mini steps now - and you can't carry much using crutches - I think I'll have to start wearing a messenger bag.
    So sorry it has all erupted again Malka - so many problems in the world, we have definitely had the best years.
    Glad it is all over Chris, so tiring when you are the one who has to take control - and do the lifting and packing. Enjoy the chance to relax while you can.
  16. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Oh heck. It appears everyone is having a rough time right now. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you all xx
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Carole - I am sorry to hear about Chas - and that you are having even more difficulty walking now. Tally must be so confused. I cannot really say any more as I am too worried about what is happening here, so please forgive me. Just know that you and Chas are in my thoughts and in my prayers each night.

    The situation here is not good and although Tikva does not appear to be frightened, she is sticking to her 'safe' place most of the time - and sticking to me like she is attached with velcro every time I move from my chair. We had a break around 4:30am but it started again this morning, and the thuds and thumps from Iron Dome being deployed have been on and off just about all day today.

    I have no safe place to go so I guess I will just have to sit it out - same as I do every time it happens. But it is scary.
  18. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I just bet it's scary Juli. I just can't imagine how much

    I'm guessing you it's scary for you Carole at the moment too, not knowing what the future holds.

    I can only say that I pray you both have positive outcomes xx
  19. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Oh thank you Chris. They are having problems reducing his need for oxygen. They say if they can't reduce it, he may need to have a home cylinder. It will be his birthday on the 15th. (85). Changes are happening too fast for my stuck in the past brain.
    I am thrilled with my podgy little Tally. She has never been left alone, as she came from a show-pack home. We have never left her - not even in the car, because we thought that this would have made her prone to separation anxiety. She has now been left for two afternoons without any problem, and a neighbour listened out specially today. Her only problem is a mild case of kleptomania - storing and just occasionally nibbling small items that might have been handled by her Dad. Ah bless!
  20. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    She's obviously missing him Carole. I do hope they can stabilise him. Hubby had a near miss with the home oxygen when he had a massive flare up of COPD after his gall bladder operation, but thankfully they brought it back under control. I do hope they can do the same for your hubby. xx
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I hope things are a bit better for Chas today, Carole - it must be reassuring for you to know that Tally has not had problems with being left.

    It is getting rather frightening here and I have a feeling that Tikva thinks it is her fault, as every time it is quiet for a while and she decides to go out, there are more booms - and the sirens on the Moshav have been howling as well - so she flies straight back inside. She was eating yesterday evening and she kept stopping because of the booms, and then our sirens went off again and she would not eat any more. Most unlike her.

    As usual, you and Chas are in my thoughts and in my prayers each night.

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