Hi everyone, We have a male desexed 16 month old Irish Wolf Hound X Great Dane. He seems more Wolf Hound than Dane, though his fur is not shaggy except for the beard he has developed lol. He is tall and large (40kgs) but very quick and agile. He does the wolf hound thing of hooking your leg with his paw when he is trying to get your attention, or playing in the yard. Since he was little he has dragged blankets from his day bed ( he sleeps inside) onto the cement in the yard and then breaks off bits of any bush he decides to and puts them on the blanket and lays on them. Needless to say my garden is all but destroyed. He also digs large holes in the garden beds and puts bits of bushes in them, I’ve given up filling the holes in, I was just wondering if anyone knows this is common behaviour for wolfhounds. Thanks
Welcome to the forum Millish. I'm sure we would like to see some photos of your boy. I have very little experience of those breeds, but reading your post, I was reminded of one of our members who is now sadly deceased. Phil had several dogs, the youngest being an Irish Wolfhound called Willow who was also a garden destroyer and apple scrumper!