I know there are lot of comments about the same topic, but I still need to ask if Border Collie is dog for me. I really love this breed, but I'm not 100% sure if I can handle it. I know few border collies, they are awesome, intelligent and active, it is my dream dog. My situation is that I live in house with small yard. I would do agility with him and also go hiking during weekends, that's not problem, I'm pretty active person. But there are things I'm not sure that would be ok. 1) Dog would be alone 6-8 hours a day. Yeah, I know it's long time. Unfortunately, there aren't any dog walkers in my country. Do you think that BC can be left alone that long if used to it? 2) Now I live in house, but there is option that I'll move to apartment in few years. How are BCs handling apartments in cities? *Sorry for my english, I'm not from english speaking country*
A lot of folk have to work and leave their dogs home a few hours while they do. I did myself when I had a Border Collie. Much depends on whether or not you are happy to finish work and then take your dog out and train and play. I used to arrive home at around 5 pm. Then it was walk, play feed and train. In other words, my boy's day was altered timings in that his 'daytime' was between 5 and 11 pm. He also got a short walk before I left for work in the morning. He was fine with that routine, but it can be hard after a stressful work day to come home and be energetic for your dog. It's not ideal, but it is workable. I will say that when I first got my lad, I didn't work. I got a job when he was a couple of years old so all the housetraining etc was finished by that time
BC are so active, you already know that Have a little test the next few days or even a week. Get up earlier and go for a walk and then as soon as you come home go for another longer walk, you’ll have to imagine the rest....feeding and training The novelty may wear off, it’ll be hard going although It will be rewarding and sometimes relaxing, but, cold, dark, wet nights are not much fun after a long day at work You mentioned there aren’t any dog walkers where you are, is it something you could start off and even get paid for it I sound as if I’m trying to put you off and I know the longing for a dog, so, I understand your concerns Re the apartment I can’t see it being a problem once your dog is older and has calmed down I think it’s great that you have asked for advice, it shows you care. Let us know what you decide Philippa
Thank you all for your responses. So, I chosed. And yes, it's border collie. Even though I know lot about BCs already, I still want to do some more research before getting my own. I will let you know when it happens (propably at the beginning of 2019, but who knows) Bye - Eliska
A reminiscence. My first dog was a Working Sheepdog - a non pedigree Border Collie which often, like mine, has too much white in her markings. She was a distemper survivor who came free of charge as I was working part-time at the dogs home. Mum bought all her accessories for my eleventh birthday - and I joined the local obedience club the following week. Beauty was one of THE special dogs of my lifetime. She oozed glamour, and I am not kidding when I say that we had a telepathic bond. I could just think commands to her, and she would perform the action - no doubt there was subtle body language involved, but it was a good party trick. There was a downside to her ultra-sensitivity though, as it spilled into sound sensitivity. A crackling fire would distress her enough to make her to hide in my bedroom, fireworks were a nightmare, and sudden thunderstorms while my Mum was shopping resulted in her breaking through an internal door, and on another occasion, tearing a fitted carpet. Beauty also had a strong herding instinct, and I must admit that she twice managed to nip running children. Looking back, it seems that I spent a lot of time grovelling to adults on her behalf! Beauty had to have a mammary strip when she was seven, and a year later was diagnosed with inoperable cervical cancer. The whole family's grief was unbearable, and sixty years later this gentle, sensitive girl still has a special place in my heart. I hope your Collie has all of Beauty's good points, and none of her unfortunate ones, if so, you will have a dog in a million. Good luck.