JRT chewing Questions

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by Greg, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Greg

    Greg New Member

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    Gregory Howe

    JRT chewing

    Help, I am a newbie JRT owner. I love her but she has some very bad habits. She is just over a year old and so far we have not been able to house break her. When we go out to her potty spot she is so distracted by everything else that she doesn't go, but will turn around and do it in the house 5 minutes later. She chewas on any thing that is tied down. We buy toys repeatedly theyes last 15 minutes to an hour before they are destroyed and then on to something else. New furniture coming and the wife is threatening a mussle. Help, what can I do?
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  3. LokitheJRT

    LokitheJRT New Member

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    Hi Greg,

    Everything you've mentioned sounds like usual behavior...

    The best way to house break is to crate train. Keep her in the crate or on a lead attached to you at all times. Come up with names for Number 1 and 2 and repeat them as she goes, then reward her for going in the right spot. If you catch her going, interrupt her with a loud sound and promptly redirect her to the right spot. I was able to house break a 8 week old puppy in about 2 weeks, with the aid of a crate and a litter box.

    To address the chewing, get her something indestructible like the hardest nyla-bone. If you find her chewing something she's not supposed to, give her a firm no, and redirect it to a chew toy with praise.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Try cordoning off a small space in your garden where she can't see distractions around her. Take her to that area very regularly until she gets the idea.

    A lot of young dogs are more wary of going in very open spaces so by giving her a smaller, more secluded area may just help crack the code.

    Persistence is the key to stopping chewing inappropriate items. Stop her every time you see her doing it, but make sure you don't get animated (easy to do when you are frustrated) as she may just see your excitement as part of a great game she has invented. Just matter-of-factly guide her away from the forbidden fruits of your furniture each and every time. Initially means never letting her remain unattended but she will eventually get the message

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