Just lost my IWH General Chat

Discussion in 'Irish Wolfhound' started by LucieScraggles, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. LucieScraggles

    LucieScraggles New Member

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    Just lost my IWH

    hi everybody , we lost our 8.5year old dog Scraggles yesterday to bone cancer in his leg. He was still quite happy, eating, pinching food, enjoying short walks but we woke up on Saturday morning and he was literally on 3 legs and was finding it hard to sit down, go down steps etc so we felt it was the right time to say goodbye. We are devastated. In pieces. I never thought it would be this hard, especially as he is a good age and we always felt lucky to have him past 6 years... the reason I'm posting is that we have quite a few vetmedin tablets left (scraggles had lived with heart arrhythmia for 3+ years, not that it seemed to affect him much thank goodness!), would be happy to send them on to someone as they are pretty pricey when your dog weighs 80 kilos! Let me know.

    I always said 'never again' to having another wolfhound (we have 2 young children so life is hectic at times!) now I'm saying 'never say never!'.

    Thanks! Lucie x
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Welcome to the forum Lucie. Thank you for your offer. Although, strictly speaking, you are not supposed to pass on prescribed medication, I did the same with her Vetmedin when I had to have my Tweed pts two years ago.
    If you get no response here, rescue centres like Many Tears are always pleased to accept drug donations, and rescue centres in Eastern Europe often appeal for drugs and equipment - some members of the Obedience fraternity are able to arrange to transfer them.
    I am sorry that you have lost Scrabbles, but am glad that he was able to have a happy life up to the end. Giant breeds have such short lives, and you will need time to reflect, but I feel that you won't be dogless for long.
  4. LucieScraggles

    LucieScraggles New Member

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    Thank you Carole, I will get in touch with those organisations if no one else gets in touch. We do have another dog (a staffy) who seems to be waiting at the gate for him to come back . He's left a very big hole in our family! Thanks xx
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Lucie, my heat breaks for you.

    When I had to have my beloved Pereg given peace my wonderful vet came here - I think maybe 1am? But I had only recently bought about 6 months of Phenobarbitone and I remember putting them on the table for him. Not canine meds but human meds so could not be given for dogs.

    I also put my wallet on the table and told him to take what he needed. And I do not know what he took.

    Because it did not matter, did it.
  6. Innocence

    Innocence Member

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    Dear Lucie,

    I am very sorry to hear that your lovely Scrabbles went to doggy heaven. But I am glad to hear he had a great life with such an obviously loving family. You must hear this from someone else as I know it is sometimes hard to believe that some people are still genuine in this day and age. Its ok to cry, you don't have to stay strong.

    As for the tablets as Carole said I am not sure you are really meant to pass on prescribed tablets. If no-one would like them then I would donate them to a canine charity. They would be extremely appreciative. However if someone were to show interest I would advice to definitely check their dog had this condition.

    Kind Regards,
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have just realised what I said. Pereg had human Phenobarbitone for her epilepsy - not the normal canine one because we could not get it here. And of course the human one was OK for canine epilepsy.

    And I still do not know why Ram was wearing scrubs at that time of night.
  8. LucieScraggles

    LucieScraggles New Member

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    Thank you Malka, it's totally heartbreaking... we loved that boy so much, such a huge part of the family x

  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Sorry - made a mistake. Human phenobarbitone is all that can be given to epi dogs as there is no canine pheno available here.

    But I never wanted to know how much he took although one day, maybe, I will ask him why he came wearing his scrubs?

    He gave my beloved girl peace. I had already stuffed her full of Valium so she just came sat on my lap - I was on the floor.

    Sometimes we do what was necessary - they always say a better one day too soon than a week too late - maybe that was the wrong way. I do not know.

    Please remember Scrabbles with love. As when he was fit and healthy and maybe you can find somewhere for his meds? Maybe your vet can take them. I am sorry but I have no answers.

    Just remember Scrabbles with love.
  10. LucieScraggles

    LucieScraggles New Member

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    Hi malka, I went to settle up at the vets today and they said the same thing; better too early than too late. It is what I would want for myself at the end. To be with my family and to be happy. I'm feeling much better today thankfully, not bursting into tears with complete strangers.... plus I saw a gorgeous 8 month old Wolfy in town,he was gorgeous and had the same beautiful eyes as scraggles! Felt like a sign! Thanks for your kind words everyone xx

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