Mastiff pros and cons Questions

Discussion in 'Mastiff' started by Jcarpentier, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Jcarpentier

    Jcarpentier Member

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    Mastiff pros and cons

    Hello all,

    I am wanting to know what the pros and cons are of owning the Mastiff breed. My husband and I have been looking for another dog for a while now and we are seriously looking at the Mastiff as a great candidate. Thanks!
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  3. LMost

    LMost Member

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    LOL where do I start.

    They are most likely the biggest cuddle and Velcro dogs known to man.
    They love there family and are excepting of other animals as long as socialized with them.
    They don't yip yap bark, if they bark you see who is there.
    Soft or hard, no robber want to really find out, if they do and your dog is soft, hey you have to file a claim, if there hard you come home to a person asking for you to call the police to arrest them. (If your there when they try this it may be a new world.)
    Yes they are that powerful and they are that bonded to there families.
    There very relaxed dogs, you need only walk them 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins in the evening.
    They actually adapt very well to there owner lifestyle.
    Grooming is once a week brushing.
    Bath one every month, (good luck with that as they want to jump in the shower with you all the time.)
    All in all there great dogs. ( I personally will always have one.)
    If you have read my post with Mouse and Trish, my current has done more than I could ever asked of any dog.

    Training them is a labor of love. ( They get bored, to training anything is 5 to 15mins)
    past that they get bored and it is more harm than good.
    Health issues. ( I can not stress how much it matters to get a pup from health tested parents.)
    Meds are much more.
    Get ready for a pup that you should not spay or neuter until 2 years. (I've posted before side by side pics of the same lines where is huge differences.)
    There not a strong dog, they are on there own level. ( they can break fingers and hands if you wrap a leash around your hand).
    They grow extremely fast for the first year so there bones are extremely soft, caution is needed when raising a pup.
    Mastiff's are known for not starting fights but they end them, and your dog will be blamed. It does not matter the other dogs breed or how they acted. People look at your giant dog just hurt that other dogs and you have no defence.

    these are just the normal things.

    I can list a thousands reasons why anyone should or should not own a Mastiff.

    Biggest thing I asked people personally is can you afford one and are you ready for the huge amount of time required socializing and training.

    For me it is a labor of love to the point I guess I would most likely stink s a Lab or GSD owner.

    There a breed that shows there love like no other I have met, but there also a breed that training starts the day you bring them home.

    Warning is there extremely hard to rehome because it is generally 8 months to a year before they will trust a new owner.

    I've been around or owned Mastiffs since 1987, prior to that was around 1976ish when parents got a Saint Bernard. Since 1985 have explored and worked with many of the mastiff breeds.
  4. Jcarpentier

    Jcarpentier Member

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    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I will definitely be showing this to my husband!!
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Mastiffs are stunning dogs, loyal, naturally protective, and actually quite soft as well.

    Cons are mainly cost related - bigger food bills, bigger vet bills, bigger toy bills, bigger beds, etc. And perhaps life span - larger dogs generally don't live as long as smaller ones.

    Oh and the slobber - but that is a plus point for some people :lol:
  6. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Few drool rags takes care of that.
    There farts though can peel the paint off the walls. (You have to work with diet on this one.)
  7. CuteRotts

    CuteRotts New Member

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    I think I must have the only mastiff who doesn't have drool / fart issues. She's a lady ;)

    But i can definitely vouch for the velcro dog bit. I can't even shower in peace!

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