Micro chihuahua ?? General Chat

Discussion in 'Chihuahua' started by Murf, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Julie

    Julie New Member

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    Never seen one exercised pop down to the Lake where we walk, Betty goes right round it with Mollie and then in the afternoon we go back out again and walk round the village green. Evening the village green again.

    TBH she would easily walk a lot further but Mollie can't do it any more and she is still a puppy so I think that is enough for her at the moment.

    Weekend when my husband is home we walk a bit further and walk along the canal toward brookwood/aldershot, when Mollie has had enough one of us pops back for the car and picks her up from where ever she has stopped. Managed 21/2 miles last saturday.
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  3. Gnasher


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    You need to see Little Man (my daughter's chihuahua, my name!). Take him to a beach and he will literally run for miles chasing seagulls that are bigger than him!! He hares round and round in circles so excited and cannot stop! He infects my big boys and we have some wonderful photographs of all 3 of them hurtling round Putsborough beach in North Devon!
  4. rough

    rough New Member

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    no I 've never seen one being walked :blush: see a couple in the basket of a mobility scooter
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    That does not mean that the dog has not been walked. Little One [far bigger than a Chihuahua at 5½ kg] often used to get up on my lap for a rest after having walked/run for a while. She would then get down again for another walk/run.

    Even Pereg - who is far larger at 16.6 kg - will sometimes get onto the footplate of my scooter for an occasional rest.
  6. Julie

    Julie New Member

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    Couple we see have his and hers mobility scooters and are seen daily with their 4 chihuahuas in the front baskets, when they get to the sports field they put them down and off they run it's fantastic to see 4 such happy dogs. They are very well behaved and come back to a whistle when called and when the couple are ready to move on they get straight back into their chariot and off they go. I see them do that a couple of times a day and they take them everywhere too as you see tone of them waiting outside the post office or waitrose with all four sitting in the one basket waiting patiently for their other human to come back with the shopping.
  7. TracyKNixon

    TracyKNixon New Member

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    My chi is a year and weight 1.15 lb - she is a teacup and has no health problems! Her parents were small and she is no runt!
  8. Julie

    Julie New Member

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    No she isn't a teacup a teacup is for drinking tea out of she is a very small Chihuahua.
  9. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    I am pleased your dog has no problems. But at just one year old you surely cannot rule out problems down the line?

    As for 'teacup' dogs. I keep reading there's no such thing. They are more or less runts of litters aren't they? Or the result of small dogs being mated to small dogs to create more small dogs with little to no health testing or care given - size being the ONLY reason these dogs are bred. And I understand no responsible breeder or dog owner would EVER use the term "teacup". Labelled 'teacup' so they can be sold for more money.

    MVD is inherent in CKCSs but mine didn't get it until she was almost 9 yrs old (more or less considered MVD free if they don't show any signs before 5yrs). But saying she had no problems when she was just one year old would not have meant that she wouldn't get them later on.

    I don't mean to be rude but your post seems to me to be PROMOTING these 'teacup' dogs and I don't think that's very responsible.
  10. Julie

    Julie New Member

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    When we looked for Betty we realised they are not actually runts but they are bred from probably runts originally now they are just the smallest being bred with the smallest, myself I would wait for more than a year to pronounce one healthy as many inherited problems come later in life.

    Betty is about 2lb probably won't get any bigger, she is great very energetic and well but I would find having one any smaller a problem I think. We have to stuff kitchen rolls down the side of the washing machine to stop her getting behind it and have had to put things down sides of bits of furniture so she can't get stuck anywhere if she was smaller we would be worried where she could get into.

    Also she loves quite a bit of rough play I am not sure I could relax if she were smaller and playing with bigger dogs my heart is in my mouth sometimes now when it looks like some bruiser may actually swallow her !
  11. Janet

    Janet Member

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    I love chihuahuas and one day I am determined to get one! But I just cannot imagine a fully grown dog as tiny as that - are you sure you mean pounds and not kilos?

    I'm pleased she is fit and healthy.
  12. TracyKNixon

    TracyKNixon New Member

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    My pup is a pedigree with champs in her lines. She came from a registered and responsible breeder too so I am happy with her and love her to bits.

    Just like us people who come in all different shapes and sizes - so why can't dogs too! I am a size 0, even after having 6 kids and I am healthy and fit - probably more than someone who is obese. So dogs can be the same!
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    There is no such thing as size 0 in the UK. Size 0 is an American size and is equivalent to a UK size 4.

    Perhaps you missed out the 1 and meant size 10?
  14. BlueJay

    BlueJay Member

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    I don't see what obesity or any weight has to do with anything here :017:
    Being naturally small is not the same as emaciated just as being naturally large is not the same as being obese - for dogs or people!
  15. Julie

    Julie New Member

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    Betty is too small she should be I think 4lb to be shown as a Chihuahua, so 1 1/2lb is far too small IMO.

    We all love our dogs whether they are correct conformation for breed or not but we can't pretend they are correct or even as has been pointed out to me recently here, that they are desirable and certainly shouldn't be bred from.

    Our previous Chihuahua was just under 6lb she was much less delicate and robust. Betty will try anything but we are very aware how delicate she is and have to watch her carefully.

    She is going to be neutered later this year and vet has warned her size will be an extra hazard to her when he operates.
  16. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    I don't see how any dog described as a micro or teacup can be a 'champ' of anything as there are no such 'breeds' as micro or teacup are there?
  17. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    Disclaimer on a website of someone who 'breeds' micros and teacups

  18. miz66

    miz66 New Member

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    Hi Chihuahua is not tiny at all, he weighs in at 4 kilos, he's not overweight for his size, he is very healthy and will walk for miles he just doesn't like other dogs and has problems with some people but fine with others. I would find it very hard to have a tiny one as he sometimes gets knocked when he's under my feet, I have taught him to go in his crate when I'm cooking he listens half the time but always tries to sneak out.
  19. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    Morning Miz. Your Chi weighs about what my tiny minpin does. I remember the nightmare of her 'growing up' when she was half that weight and size and me trying to think of ALL the stuff she might be able to get under, inside or around the back of (and maybe get to cables and chew them while still a chewy puppy!) and I too used the crate then to keep her safe - both when I went out and left her or if I was doing something and there was a danger she would get 'under my feet'. And ALWAYS worried in case I stepped on her (I did several times but fortunately only tips of paws)

    There are toy breeds and miniature breeds (and there are examples within those that are undersized for the breed). There are not micro or teacup 'breeds'.

    And to be honest - if a dog that should weigh 3 or 4 kg or more weighs in at just 1.5kg I don't call that just a small example of the breed. That dog's been bred to be small by breeding originally (presumably) from undersized runts of litters.
  20. Janet

    Janet Member

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    I think the poster said her dog was 1.15 lb, which makes me think it must be a mistake. Even that number in kg would be tiny.

    Though, I've never had a toy so I suppose it could be said I don't know what I'm talking about - I do know though that when (note the 'when' - positive thinking!) I get a chihuahua I will be looking for larger rather than smaller.
  21. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    In kg it would be even smaller - it would be approx 0.5kg about half a kg.

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