Partner's son's Presa Canario not getting enough exercise Health

Discussion in 'Presa Canario' started by freckles211, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. freckles211

    freckles211 New Member

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    Partner's son's Presa Canario not getting enough exercise

    Hi All

    My partners son has a Presa Canario, but unfortunately she has been spending more & more time on her own, my partner takes her out when he takes our JRT out & has done this for a while now. However his son is too busy going out so she gets left. So over the last few weekends she has been staying with us she is such a lovely dog I have read up on the breed just wish more people did the same before they buy these puppies. She was like a lab pup when she was 8 weeks old, she is like a bloody shetland pony now lol, bless her.

    Myself & my partner having been discussing what is best for her. We would love to keep her, but already have 1 JRT & 4 cats who all eat Royal canin & we are not sure if we can really afford her. i would want to get her chipped, insured & spayed & non of that is cheap, but then i think on the other hand at least if she stays with us she will be safe happy warm etc etc & we will both know she is ok & not worrying what is happening to her with someone else!!

    Would she ok with someone else????

    Any comments/ ideas is appreciated.
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  3. lindaisy

    lindaisy New Member

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    You sound like you would like to keep her, it's so easy to get attached.

    Could you ask her owner to share/pay for the chip etc.....and you could then take responsibility after he has helped.

    Another possibility is use a different brand of food for her, as she will eat lots with being a big dog. A good alternative is company called CSJ all there food is natural and starts at around £12 for 15kg.....they have a large range of foods for different dogs needs. Not heard a bad word about them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2013
  4. Malpeki

    Malpeki New Member

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    thinking likewise lindaisy
    it's the dog of your partners son,you can play the part as "fosters parents", but he has to pay for his dog, like he would have to anyway

    guess that would be the best solution for everyone in that case :)

    maybe you both could talk with your partners son?

    think if he really loves his dog, he just will agree :)
  5. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    It makes me so sad to read about people wanting expensive 'status' dogs and not doing their homework or becoming bored with them.

    Bless you for taking an interest in this dog. As above the FIRST thing I would do is have a SERIOUS talk with your son about him footing the food bill. He is gawdamm lucky you have stepped up to the plate regarding exercise and general interest in it.

    If he keeps it he will be paying for the food. It's the least he can do IMHO. I would also have a word about pet insurance for the dog too. If you have 'fallen for the dog' maybe a shared plan for the cost of that?

    Good luck.
  6. twix

    twix New Member

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    Its likely that pet insurance is impossible to get for this breed so who will pay vet bills?
  7. Gemini54

    Gemini54 New Member

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    Hi I know dogs trust offer a spaying if you can prove that you have rescued a dog, or if not there are many animal rescues who offer spaying at a reduced rate.We are in the same boat,and though sometimes it has been hard as we are both disabled,not a lot of pennies,because she has so many issues,we felt she was better off with us because we can offer 24/7 LOVE she is beginning to show a confident side,and we will be spaying her as soon as she has a season.So hang in there crystalgirl
  8. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    I think the better question would be would you be happy with her with someone else?!

    Could you find something cheaper but still good quality to feed her? If she is happy with you and vice versa I'm sure a cheaper diet would be the least of her worries .
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    The first thing I would do is to get you partners son to sign over the dog to you .......get it in writing , then there willl be no come back if he changes his mind.

    Then I would contact the breed club, and speak to them, if you feel you are not the home for this girl, they are the best people to find her a home that understands this breed.

    You could work with them, keep her with you until they find a home, and having legal ownership of her will make it easier if and when the boy starts saying the dog is his .
  10. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Why didn't I think of that! I straight away thought of what might happen if she ended up in a 'normal' shelter. Breed rescue is a far better idea.
  11. freckles211

    freckles211 New Member

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    Hi All

    Thanks for your replies. Yes we are both attached to her & would love to keep her. Unfortunately his son wont pay for her now. I worry as i wonder if she is getting enough to eat, I dont know how much she even weighs (apart from a lot lol). I would like to find out her weight so that she can have the right amount of food & the proper food at that. If we took her on it would be out right.

    Its a big responsibility & things would need to change, even though she loves my JRT if i went out I would feel happy if they were both caged I would not want to risk leaving them free. My JRT already has a cage & used to it so there would be no stress there for him. So many things to think about.

    Thanks Again
  12. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    It's so good to hear about someone wanting to take on a big pedigree dog but not just doing it without putting any thought into it (even though I suspect you feel like just scooping him up and running back home with him!) but doing all your homework first regarding the cost and how you will manage with your dog you already have.

    I really hope everything works out for you. I'm sure you won't leave this dog any longer than necessary with someone who obviously has lost interest in him.
  13. freckles211

    freckles211 New Member

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    Hi All

    Just thought I would give an update.

    Well we have decided to take her on lol. She has been here more & more so my partner had a word with his son & we have taken her on.

    I have found out what her breed is. Her mother is a Neapolitan Mastiff & her Dad is a Presa Canario x with a lab. So my mission's are;food & what is best for her (I would like to put her on Canin), harness/lead, vets to check her weight & general MOT.

    She is such a lovely dog so soft always loves to cuddle up on the settee which is ok if its only one of you on there lol. However at the same time I can she her trying to show her dominance. She has even tried to mount me a few times now, but it only seems to be when I have popped out for a short time & she is not even left on her own???

    Well any comments suggestions welcome as I'm still learning. Many thanks.
  14. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Glad to hear that! How exciting! Pictures please!
    Don't get too concerned about's an over rates subject and more complicated than a dog trying to get control over you or not. Our new rescue bull lurcher pup used to (and still occasionally does growl) if we try to move him off the sofa or bed He's not trying to be dominant ..... Just saying he wants to stay where he is. We used to through a small amount of kibble on the floor and say 'off' when he got off he got a piece of liver cake. We also got a huge soft floor cushion bed so getting off the sofa still meant he had another comfortable option. If I didn't have a treat available I used to not look at him and slowly pull the sofa cushion/ duvet so he flopped onto the floor,....obviously that will be much harder for you though! Lol! He never experienced us being challenging to him....or that interested in what he was grumbling about and it gradually just phased out.

    Mounting could just be complete over excitement! I think you just need lots of fun training with big rewards to her working with you more.

    Can't wait to see pictures of her!
  15. Gemini54

    Gemini54 New Member

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    Hi That is great news,re dog food lookup the site Which Dog Food UK, cant wait to see pics Gemini54
  16. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    Just the update I was hoping for! You lovely person you!

    Only one comment about the diet. Don't change anything drastically or overnight. Often results in the dog getting the squits (not something you relish with a dog that size!) make any changes gradually - mixing a little of the new with the usual stuff. There's loads of advice about this (can probably be found on this excellent website Dogsey!)

    I wouldn't worry about the mounting too much. As with anything else you don't want them to do - barking - biting - you can gradually train her out of it. My tiny minpin used to 'hump' my draughtstopper and her stuff toys when young. Doesn't ever do it now. We noticed she did it more if being ignored for being naughty or being told off!

    One very lucky dog! Especially as she has finished up with an owner who 'put a lot of thought' into having her and didn't just rush into it blindly (like the previous owner did by all accounts!)

    Now ... photos please at your earliest convenience ... tell her to put you down while you take some pics of her!

    Brilliant news.
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    What a wonderful update! Well done on deciding to keep her :041:

    Now we need pictures, loads of pictures, oh, and what is her name? :grin:
  18. Lacey10

    Lacey10 New Member

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    Congratulations on your new addition:041:
    And well done to both of you for doing this wonderful thing. I'm thinking,we as humans can over indulge in little luxury items we actually don't need.Weed out a few of them and you'll cover the added cost without even noticing:grin: I'm sure she'll bring so many years of joy to your life:007: wishing you all the very best x

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