Piper issues. Questions

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by Parough, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Parough

    Parough New Member

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    Thanks, I will check back in a bit.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Parough likes this.
    These are the two, copied and pasted.
    Pacific Veterinary Clinic, PC
    275 Fruitdale Drive
    Grants Pass, OR 97527

    I found information on them on vetswift.com. Doctors are listed but I didn't look up each one to see which one was the neurologist.

    The second place is:
    Valley Animal Hospital, LLC
    400 N.E. E St.
    Grants Pass, OR 97526

    Again, the information was on vetswift.com so your friend may want to check that site to see all the services offered, etc.

    I hope this helps.
  4. Parough

    Parough New Member

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    It must be Valley Animal Hospital, because Pacific was where I took her last Saturday, and they did the blood work. I have a new appt. on Thur. With, highly recommended Dr Hoag. I will let you know what he says. I thank you, and appreciate (VERY MUCH), all the help you have given me!
  5. Parough

    Parough New Member

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  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Patty - all I did was send an email to the List, which was posted as soon as I sent it. The responses I have had so far were sent to my email address. I do not know if if anyone answered on the List itself because since I lost Pereg I am on Daily Digest, getting all that day's posts in one go, not as soon as they are posted as I used to get.

    Incidentally I have had a couple of other emails from List members who say that they have never heard of Piper's "episodes" fitting any description of epilepsy. And tbh sometimes even neuros do not know everything about it. There was someone on the List from the north of this Country - she took her epi twice to see a neuro, saw different ones each time, and neither knew anything about it.

    I am not recommending these places because I know nothing about them. These are responses from List members emailed to me from my request for help for you.

    There is also CEN [Canine Epilepsy Network] connected to the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia, which will answer all questions, but mainly that is for confirmed cases of epilepsy, and I still do not think that Piper is an epi.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Patty - I have more information for you, which I will post when you are back online here, thanks to people on the List.
  8. Parough

    Parough New Member

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    Two vets and all one of them can come up with is that the videos shows obsessive/compulsive behavior, and is partial to grand mal seizure episodes? Obviously I have not seen Piper or the videos but if you had ever seen a dog when they were having a Grand Mal [tonic clonic] seizure you would know it.

    The episode, as you describe them, only fit possible mild absence seizures [Petit Mal] although they do not last that long. There are three types of partial seizures and Piper's episodes do not fit any of those. As for OC behavious - a dog suffering from that will do the same thing over and over again. Not just virtually blank out for three hours.

    Just out of curiosity, when you showed your own doctor Piper's blood test results, which were the other levels that were off? Did your vet mention them? Do you have a good neurologist you can take Piper to? If you want I will ask on the Epilepsy List if anyone knows of one in your area. Even though it is nearly two years since my beloved Pereg had to be released from the Monster, I am still on the List.

    Patty - I do not know what to think. (((hugs)))[/QUOTE]
    I had enough nerve to look on you've, at a grand mal seizure, and could only watch it for about 2 seconds!!! NO, that isn't anywhere close to her symptoms! I hope I find out something on Thursday, when I take her to her vet.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Patty - four years of that, four years of having to strip the bed at night when my beloved had a GM and lost all bladder [and frequently bowel control] - and those during the day when her anal glands expressed - fancy having a shoe full of that?

    And then two or more hours of diabolical post-ictal behaviour [the non-stop pacing, screeching for food, food, food because their brain thinks they are hungry when they are not... and then a couple of days of total irrationality. OK, so not all epis are like that, but my Pereg was. Which is why my wonderful vet came out to give her peace at 1am on 1 April 2015. She had never shown any signs of anything, until the first GM hit her on 1 April 2011 and even though I knew about human epilepsy I had never known about, or seen, canine epilepsy.

    Bless you for having had the nerve to watch, even for two seconds. Maybe you now understand?

    OK, this is the information I have for you - copied and pasted from people who actually posted the info on the List itself, not directly to me. I am only posting details of neuros - the comments about Piper's symptoms that say they do not fit any form of epilepsy [and what they think of the vet who suggested it] I will not post here.
    I live in the Rogue Valley. Grants Pass is about 45 minutes away. There are no "neuros" in this area.

    However, I think this person probably has the best resource she could find right down in Medford, OR, Steve Poet, Chase's vet, at Best Friends Animal Hospital on N. Phoenix Rd. He's not like any other I've known in 25 years. He's a veterinary detective and won't take a blood test to figure out symptoms like the ones you describe.
    She also said that you could email her any time but of course we cannot post private email addresses on Breedia. I hope the details of neuros are acceptable to Breedia though.

    Next comment:
    I'm from the Coos County area (Oregon). I've been taking Lily to VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists in the Portland area. She sees Dr. Prouty, but I know there are two other neurologists on staff. Dr. Prouty is a terrific doctor. She works with Lily's local vet to finesse dosages and diagnose issues that come up related to her epilepsy.

    The best thing about the VCA is that it's open 24/7 with emergency doctors on staff at all times. When Lily had seizures at midnight, I could call and get reassuring help during those scary times.

    Without the VCA and Dr. Prouty, I know Lily would still be suffering with monthly seizures.

    Here's the contact information if you're interested:

    Neurology Department

    VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists
    16756 SE 82nd Drive

    Clackamas, OR 97015

    P. 503-656-3999

    F. 503-557-8672
    E. nwvsneurology@vca.com

    Patty - I hope all this information can help you find the cause of Piper's "episodes" and if there is anything else that is sent to me or is posted on the List, I will, of course, let you know. In the meantime, please keep away from Google and especially from YouTube.

  10. Parough

    Parough New Member

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    I do hope I find out what is causing this, other than that she is a growing, ACTIVE, healthy puppy. Even if I don't get answers, I believe she will be ok, but me... I'll never stop trying. I sort of understand what you went through with your dog, as both of my other ones, died within a year of each other. That was hard, partly because they both had the same symptoms. My Jessee, who was 12, suddenly became paralyzed in her rear end, I rushed her to the vet(she was perfectly healthy), and she gave her Prednisone, said she probably pinched a nerve, and was going to be fine. She died,3 days later. Then my lil Corgi, Cutter, who was only 7, also healthy, suddenly became paralyzed also. I had to sit with him for 2 weeks, carrying him out, when I thought he might have to go potty. He had no control. I decided to get x-rays, and $1000.00 later, opted to have him put to sleep. Both of them broke my heart! I really hope Piper doesn't have serious health problems, where I'll lose her also. Well, sorry for going on...
  11. Parough

    Parough New Member

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  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    This is a screenshot by someone who has open tabs on some very familiar sites, with some even more familiar sites listed on his bookmarks toolbar. I wonder how that could be?

    Oh, and a large red word "Lurking" across the top of it.

    The screenshot was posted on Saga Zone on 21 July 2011.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I am a computer dummy, so not following your line of thought Malka.
    For me, the first link would not load at all - it just kept buffering.
    The second loaded all my photographs on this tablet, all doggy of course.
    Are you suggesting that we might have been hacked?
  14. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    First link was blank
    Second link was some family pics of some guy with a beard, wife and son.
    Further down it was various pics of a Corgi
    After that more random pics.
    Did not recognize any of them.
  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Puzzling. Though @Parough does mention a Corgi - perhaps Vee has received her album. Why have we all got different results?
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Considering that the screenshot, which was definitely posted on Saga Zone, showed most of the sites I have on my Bookmarks toolbar, including the Ashqklon weather site and also my PhotoBucket account, neither of which now appear on my tab bar but are elsewhere, and the tab bar showed a number of sites that I used at the time, two of which I still use - plus four of the Firefox Add-ons I use - one of which actually no longer exists...

    ...what am I supposed to think?

    I checked one site on which I am still a member, and the person whose name showed as posting in the screenshot has never been a member of that site. And when I check that link on Firefox, which is the browser I always use, I get the screenshot from Saga Zone. Also posted on Firefox.

    Two of you get totally different things, and when I just checked on Chrome, I get a load of photos from Google Photos.

    Odd is not the word.
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have no idea if the above will work - it shows the screenshot I got on my own computer.
  19. Parough

    Parough New Member

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    Is my name aasociated with this? I couldnt zoom it in, to see. I was trying to share 2 photos, of my old dogs and i found the ones I wanted and tried clicking on the photo botton and it asked for URL, so i put http:www.googlephotos.com. And i wasn't sure if that was working, because i always have a hard time sharing photos and i clicked on link. Ijust copied the photo number off of tht picture. I don't have a clue what that is, i don't even have photobuckut, and have never used it. I am so sorry if it caused any problems, i will look into it. Could i have been Hacked?
  20. Parough

    Parough New Member

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    I clicked on both of them and the first one didn't work like you said, and the second was ALL my photos! I don't understand what that " lurking" one even is, or where/how it showed up! What is the correct way to post pictures?
  21. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Amongst the other pics i got this results.jpg maggie-1.png hero.jpg

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