My little one does not look like a ShihTzu. Parents are ShihTzu’s and the rest of the litter all look like ShihTzu’s. I’ve researched and I think she may be a Prapso? Don’t know much about dog breeds. Any info or opinions? She is 6 months.
What a beautiful, little cutie. So gorgeous, but no idea what a Prapso is so can't help you with that
I think there may well be Pekingese blood there - but if her siblings look like Shih Tzus, why would you think her other parent would be an Apso? The whole litter could be a Shih/Peke cross and the others taken after one parent, and yours turned out closer to the other. OR ... If this is puppy had come from a dealer or puppy farmer, I am afraid that you can not rely on any of the information you have been given. Your puppy is sweet and loveable, but if you want to investigate the parentage you can get a Wisdom Panel DNA Test done. If the details you have been given turn out to be false, you may have grounds to sue the person who sold you her. Beware though - they may wish the puppy to be returned before they will part with any cash! My advice would be to accept that your puppy is likely to be a crossbred, and just love her for what she is. Next time, you will know to buy from a recommened source, - the Breed Club or the Kennel Club is always a good place to start. You may pay a little more, or have to wait a little longer, but you will be certain to get a puppy of the breed that you were looking for.
Hi Carole, she very well may have some other breed. She was a gift from a friend who owns a female ShihTzu and bred her with a male ShihTzu. She definitely has a different look. Someone told me about Prapso ShihTzu’s but there is very little info on them and no one ever knows what I’m talking about. I am 100% happy with her, she is a sweet little one. I was mostly curious. Thanks.
Apolologies. We live and learn. I don't see why they would use that term when there is a breed called an Apso though.
She is a cutie, was it a surprise getting her or was it something you had decided to do ? I’m sure she is quite lively, how is you trying going, never too young to start Fire and questions or worries you have, there is always someone about to help And keep the photos coming Philippa
She was a complete surprise, we rescued a ShihTzu mix about 2 years ago and thought he was ready for a buddy. She has been a great addition.
No apologies needed, I am new at being a dog owner and I was honestly curious if Prapso was a real thing or made up. It’s difficult to trust what you read on the internet now. You did peak my interest in the Apso, and I’m also looking at Tibetan Spaniels as well. Kinda trying to see how that are all related if at all. Thanks again.
All breeds have an assorted mix to get them to how they look today. It's not surprising that occasionally a pup turns out different to breed standard and to how one of their ancestors looked . I love her looks. She really is lovely x
So true, and I really am enjoying looking at all these different breeds of dogs. Genetics is so interesting.
Will the Prapso ShihTzu be the same size as a regular ShihTzu my Rosie is 10 months old and i read a ShihTzu should weight between 9 and 16 lb Rosie weights 16.9 and i am having a hard time keeping her weight down
I don't know whether the weight would be different from a fully coated Shih Tzu, but would advise you to judge correct weight by how your dog looks, rather than from weight charts. Viewed from above, the dog should look well-covered without being fat, and have a distinct waist below the ribcage. If you can't see the waist, I would switch to a weight control food, and increase the amount of exercise you give her. Hill's, the veterinary dog food company, have a weight chart which gives 12 kilos as the ideal weight for a Beagle. A typical 14.5" - 16" British Beagle would have to be quite thin to get anywhere near to 12k.
She's very nice looking. I looked at a couple of websites that mentioned the Prapso Shih Tzu, they were talking about genetic throwbacks to less common genes - I suppose that's possible. As long as she's healthy, she's a lovely and interesting version of a Shih Tzu.