Question for you all - How tenacious is your Bull n Molosser? Discussions

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Russ, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. Russ

    Russ New Member

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    Question for you all - How tenacious is your Bull n Molosser?

    How tenacious is your Bull n Molosser?

    Busta is quite tenacious however will give up after realising he's fighting a lost cause.
    Miss Daisey however never quits and will go on as long as is needed.

    Don't get me wrong i'm in NO way talking about dog fighting, just in general with toys and playing :grin:
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  3. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Star can be really determined and likes to play tug with all her toys :( you can have a good play fight over toys with Star. Her jaws clamp together and she really enjoys it. The only thing to make her stop is the word "enough" she then knows games over.

    Finn on the other hand is the complete opposite gives up before he starts, he wont even play tug over a toy he just gives it up to you :?
  4. Russ

    Russ New Member

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    snap!!! thats the word i use to end a game or hypo session in Busta's case :lol:
  5. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    that so odd cus i say enough for them to stop when they are getting to over excited when playing lol!

    Bessie really doesnt give up till she has the toy out of my hand!
    Borris is the same

    both little tenacious Bs lol!
  6. Shadowboxer

    Shadowboxer Fondly Remembered

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    Mine are both tenacious in that they will see a job, such as tracking or finding, through however long it takes. We don't play tug games but they will play tug with each other untiringly. Hannah usually wins by virtue of giving J the evil eye when she has had enough :)
  7. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    I know that look :) poor Finn gets it all the time.
  8. Roxy

    Roxy New Member

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    Saffy gives the evil eye to Max when they are playing tug and he always lets go.
  9. RobK

    RobK New Member

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    With Abbie it depends. For example I could not get her to fetch for s*** untill I got this rubber chicken. She will fetch it as many times as I throw it. Drives me nuts with it acually!! I had to train her to leave it in the garage so I only have to deal with it when I go to catch a smoke.
  10. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    lmao rob she sounds so funny lol! bessie just sits and barks at me! if i dont make eye contact with her she wont bark but she will sit and stare at me and look at me then look at the ball! then if i make eye contact she will just bark at me! really annoying but funny too!
  11. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    very very tenacious

    phil can lift him off the ground with whatever object he has in his mouth and he will not let go - he just hangs on tighter and pumps his back legs.

    However thats when he knows its a game - when its time for enough he will leave it.

    doesnt really get the whole fetch game - he likes to retrieve it but doesnt like to give it back !!!
  12. Laura

    Laura New Member

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    Well put it this way it is not getting Cassy to start that is the problem it is getting her to stop that is why all games she plays are limited and supervised. I had a springpole set up and in the end had to watch her closely and limit her time on it to once every few days she would literally pull for hours squealing like a demon shaking and pulling getting very frustrated and there was no getting her off it. One thing I will say is she has LOADS of drive and will literally do anything put to her, she excels at flirtpole work loves biking, running, playing tug (or if I cant catch her hanging from trees) and goes at everything 100% not sure I would call it tenacious but she does have loads of drive and is a very determined dog. Causes some problems in that I cannot have any dogs near her when I do give her a workout especially when she is playing tug or on the springpole, get too close and WW3 breaks out. But is excellent in that she is a good all round dog and keeps herself pretty fit.
  13. RobK

    RobK New Member

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    Cassy Sounds Awsome Laura!!

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