Ridgeback...Worst Dog Ever? General Chat

Discussion in 'Rhodesian Ridgeback' started by Lets Be Real, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony

    Ridgeback...Worst Dog Ever?

    Save Yourself! We have had and enjoyed multiple breeds over the years and never have we seen a dog as dumb and annoying as a Ridgeback. Let's get Honest and review the traits of a RR:
    • Without a doubt the DUMBEST Dog we have ever been around
    • A permanent look of confusion - this matches his behavior
    • Will follow and stand beside of you staring for hours, whimpering & whining; yet backs away when we pet him only to return with his head rammed into us when we stop. Constant confusion of wanting what he doesn't have
    • Nervous Nellie!!! Never chills and lays down, no matter where we are (watching TV, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, etc) he just stands looking at us for as long as we are there - it is unsettling after a while
    • He is Skittish & Uncertain yet "Huffs" at the slightest hint of unidentified noise and goes Ape $hit when the door bell rings.
    • Lazy - Have to force him to go outside
    • Chronic Halitosis - Countless food changes and vet visits no help
    • Chronic Flatulence - Again regardless of diet his daily farting empties the room. It is embarrassing and a problem when we entertain as he just grosses out guests. We have never smelled anything like this dogs farts - its like nothing we have ever experienced.
    • We have him professionally groomed monthly along with brushing each week while sleeping inside (in our bedroom) and regardless he STINKS! Its the hound smell that can't be washed away!
    • We heard all the stories about how great of jogging companions they are - HA!!! Not this one - He HATES it!
    We are committed to our pets but regret taking the chance with this breed. Really there is nothing endearing about this breed or dog unless they are not owned by you. There is a reason they are not prolific - its because of these traits. When we speak with other owners they will share the same stories but its only before and after they make excuses why they love RR. Therefore I write this as the TRUTH - Save yourself 10-12 years of buyers remorse and stay away from this breed.
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  3. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Wow! That is so untypical of the breed.

    Thinking about his excessive wind and halitosis coupled with the behaviours you've outlined sounds very much like a medical problem is behind things. I'd take that list to a vet who knows the breed for further investigations to be made
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Chris B, CaroleC and Malka like this.
    WOW! Poor dog.
    You don’t say how old he is, and how long you have had him.
    But if you feel that strongly about him return him to his breeder.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    GsdSlave and CaroleC like this.
    Two things seem obvious to me - first that his excessive wind and halitosis sound like a GI tract problem, which continually changing his food will only make worse.

    Secondly, it sounds that you really dislike your poor dog and prefer any guests to him, not realising that he might well have a medical problem.

    In addition, it sounds like his behavior, which you do not like, shows that he is in physical discomfort or pain, and by standing and looking at you when you are there he is trying to tell you something is not right but you do not know or want to know how to understand him. Not just give up on him.

    @Chris B is right. It is not normal for that breed, so why tar all RRs with the same brush?

    @GsdSlave is also right. Either return the poor dog to his breeder or find a loving home for him.

    But first, get a proper veterinary diagnosis for his problems.
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Though I have heard many people complain about Ridgebacks, the complaints have all been health related. Heart problems, joint problems, severe allergies etc.

    If your dog stinks and has smelly breath and gas... It might be a dietary issue. I've heard over and over again about Ridgebacks with bad food allergies... So maybe look into that.

    And from what I have heard... 10-12 years is a lucky age for that breed.
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I really hope that this post is intended to be a joke. If not, please allow your dog to go and live with someone who loves and appreciates this handsome breed.
    OK, as a hound owner, I acknowledge that dogs from this group are not always the easiest to train, but it is up to you to do your homework and research the traits of a breed before you take the leap and own one. The dog has no choice in the matter. All dogs should be able to feel loved and cherished, and it is this bond of love and respect which builds into a desire to try their best to please their owner.
    Maybe the stress of feeling that he is only tolerated in your house may be contributing to his GI issues, but whatever the cause, it feels rather unfair to criticise your dog for his ill health - and even less to blame the breed as a whole.
  8. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony
    Thank you for your comments as we Love our Boy and don't blame him for any of these behaviors, its just the way he is. We got him as a puppy from what we believe is a reputable breeder and he is just under 4 years old now. He is the only dog in our home and we are with him all the time. I understand the comments but we love and care for our pets for their lifetime. While he is beautiful & majestic - he is just nowhere close to the intelligence and behavior as our previous dogs (Golden, Lab & German Short hair). We have seen 3 different vets about his halitosis & flatulence with each recommending a change in food that we have headed with no relief (No treats, no table scraps, strictly follow vet recommendations). Open to suggestions anyone has to correct these issues. The behavioral traits are just bizarre and we just laugh and love him as the lowest IQ K9 we have ever had. Assuming this is what we can expect throughout his lifetime, we will honor our boy and never have another RR.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Comparing your RR to previous breeds you have owned is like comparing chalk to cheese as they all have different traits, and it is definitely unfair to your dog to do so.

    Regarding food and three different vets, each recommending a change in food - are you aware of the limited amount of studying vets do about food and nutrition? Very little. Also the fact that many vets are paid by dog food companies to sell and/or recommend their products? Just as GPs can get 'treats' for prescribing certain brands of pharmaceuticals.

    Next time you go to a vet or GP's surgery/clinic, have a look at the posters on the walls and the free leaflets waiting to be picked up by anyone, and you will see the name of the manufacturer who is using those surgeries/clinics to advertise their products. Not paid for by the vet or GP.
  10. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    The over reactions by some of the members here is typical. I've been bashed into the ground for the smallest things and many others have been run off the forum for complaining about the dogs behavior and issues.

    It is dramatic to tell the OP to return the dog to the breeder or rehome him without trying to perhaps address the issues or offer advice.

    I commend and respect Chris for always remaining objective and calm and trying to help owners solve the problems and perhaps mend the relationship between dog and human BEFORE accusing and saying rehome.

    This happens every single time. An owner comes and complains about a dog's issues and several members immediately attack and lambaste and say to get rid of the dog.

    They don't consider that the next home may be even worse. They don't consider that frustration can cause people to overreact and so the words used may just be pent up frustration and not totally malicious. They don't consider that a HUMANS feelings matter too!

    This cult like behavior doesn't help the human with the dog, it doesn't help the dog, it doesn't encourage people to voice their issues here for help, it literally doesn't do anything positive at all.

    As for the breed, I don't expect him to be as intelligent or easy to train as a Golden or a Labrador. I don't see many Ridgebacks, but I think they're stunning dogs... They call them Lion Hunters in some parts of the world.

    I recently got a new puppy of unknown mixed breed thinking he was mostly Labrador, which I am familiar with. He is NOTHING like the puppies I have had in the past.

    He is way more "aggressive" and mouthy and boisterous and everything than I am used to. I no longer believe he is mostly Labrador. It is taking a bit more effort to teach him, but with diligence I know that I can do it. Same goes here.

    OP - What foods have you tried with the dog?
  11. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Personally, I would take in a poo and a urine sample for testing to see what that reveals.

    If it is a food thing, have you tried an elimination diet - ie choosing a food with a novel protein - say, fish instead of meat - to see if that helps.

    My girl is extremely allergic to chicken. It really upsets her stomach. She also has a tricky digestion so we feed little and often. Her daily meal allowance is spread over 4 meals. It took a lot of trial and error before we hit on the winning formula for her :)
  12. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony
    Thank You mjfromga. We currently feed Royal Canine & have completed stool / urine testing along with x-ray’s to check for foreign body / bowel obstruction issues. Chris B I like the idea of smaller feedings 4X daily & will give that a shot. We continue to work with our vet to find a solution and invest time training.

    To my original post, if all one seeks is a majestic beast for visual pleasure the RR is your dog. If one is seeking intelligence, engagement, & bonding from their K9 this breed should not be considered. IQ is not dependent on the brand of food and we are not first time dog / pet owners. When we connect 1 on 1 with other owners and share our boy’s behavior we eventually get the “Yea, ours does that too” after several defensive & excuse orientated statements. We have become amazed with just how simple and inept he is. Pronounced healthy & Happy by 3 vets and our friends with the same breed, we consider ourselves parents of a special needs K9 that is breed related Versus individual. If we were first time dog owners we would have given up years ago - we made the decision & commitment and will see it through. I am compelled to warn those considering - avoid the R A I N M A N Ridgeback...
  13. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Have you tried taking chicken off the menu? It's amazing how many dogs are intolerant to it these days. No one knows exactly why, but there's a lot of supposition that it is the chemicals used in growing the grain they feed on that finds its way into the food chain
  14. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Royal Canin is really not a great choice unless your dog has specific health issues such as kidney failure, persistent urinary issues, multiple severe allergies etc. Their prescription diets have done wonders for those dogs, but their foods aren't that great otherwise.

    Which formula do you feed?
  15. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony
    Gastrointestinal moderate calorie dry. No wet, no special treats, (for treats we use kibbles of his dry food).
  16. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Yeah I definitely would not feed that to an otherwise healthy dog. You say he has bad gas, does he also have persistent diarrhea?
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I would be tempted to try a four to six week test feeding with a quality grain free food. Look for a novel protein source of around 50%, (maybe duck, white fish, or rabbit), and with as few artificial additives as possible. If this trial is successful, you could try adding back ingredients to identify which is causing his problem, or just settle for sticking with a food that suits. My Beagle boy reacted to maize, (corn), but wheat is also common allergen, - as is @Chris B's suggestion, chicken.

    Hounds do have oily coats, and I'm sorry to admit that my home is far less fragrant than it was when I had any of my previous breeds. Frequent grooming, (I groom on alternate days as Beagles moult continuously), and a good coat spray seems to work the best for doggy BO, and bedding needs changing on regular cycle. Hounds are not so much dim witted as easily distracted by their dominant senses, (my rescue Beagle boy has a string of working qualifications after his name), but you need to work extra hard at keeping their focus, which can be hard work and may require super attractive bribes - hmm, I mean rewards of course. Tiny pieces of dried tripe, or dried liver, have good attractive value, and should be OK for delicate tummies.
  18. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony
    Thank you Carol - do you have a recommendation for food brand with the aforementioned characteristics?

    We have raised 4 children with fewer needs than mentioned in the last post. Two in medical residency, one academy grad still serving and one finishing their CPA. None of them had needs as special and eccentric as our ”Rainman” Ridgeback.

    This brings us back to the point, no breed requires this degree of special care. We are all in but if your a potential first time owner buyer beware.
  19. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I sense that you are in the US, and this is a UK forum - though all are welcome and we have members from many countries. My point is that we do not have the same brands of food, and most of the multinationals are not great quality.
    The website All About Dog Food is very reliable, and you may find brands that are available to you which have good ratings.
    It may be possible that a US member might jump in with a recommendation.
  20. Lets Be Real

    Lets Be Real New Member

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    Susan B Anthony
    Indeed Carole I am in the US and did not realize this was a UK forum. My apology. Please advise if this is primarily OUS and I will politely exit.
  21. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Not at all. Everyone welcome.

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