Saluki Discussions

Discussion in 'Saluki' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Discussion Thread

    Discussion Thread New Member

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  3. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    Am I all by myself with Pookis?
  4. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Looks like it - Beautiful dogs to look at but not for me I'm afraid far too much like hard work ;)

    I will see if I can get my friend to join (she has one who has similar issues to yours!)

    You could always post some more piccies.......;)
  5. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    I have a friend who has them, lovely dogs but like Hannah they aren't for me. I love sight hounds and have a sneaking longing for a Lurcher8)
  6. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    Totally understandable- totally not everyone's cup of tea, but then again. I couldn't personally stand a Labrador, so horses for courses. Doesn't mean there aren't nice ones, I just don't want one LOL

    Here, I'll put some pics up, since you BEGGED me LOL

    Playing with the laundry....

    Right, bets on Im faster than you..

    Oh, no fun. Don't give up, you're old, not useless...

    Knew you could keep going a bit more...

    Both knackered now...

    Time for some low key model work....

    In tandem...

    Just cos Im a stunner..
  7. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Anna they are stunning :049: :049: .
    I am a big fan, although I only have a cross and I got her aged 6yrs, so maybe I missed all the hard work :lol:
    She is graceful, gentle and quiet but can be willful and stubborn.
    I have been thinking that if the time comes for me to have another furry friend, I might well get a Saluki, maybe rescue.
    What are your two called by the way??
  8. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    The champagne and apricot one is Muna- Sedeki Nemune,from Don Weiden and Frank Farrar's last British litter.
    The black fringed red is my baby, she's 3 and she's called Noor. She's one of Zola Rawson's 'Wind' litter, and as such is called Mumtaz Seabreeze.

    Both are named after Jordanian Queens. The ones before that were two 'Windswift' beauties, Pax and Ali, and Sacha was a rescue of indeterminable line, but definitely through and through Saluki.

    They are hard work, but even when they're behaving appaulingly, I think 'God, what would I give to be as beautiful as that?' and excuse their diva tantrums LOL
  9. queenwillow

    queenwillow New Member

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    love them so stunning ,there faces are just stunning:mrgreen:
  10. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Thanks Anna.
    When you say hard work, do you mean because you have two, or is it their tempraments/personalities?

    Oh they are gorgeous, I keep going back for another peep :mrgreen:
  11. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    Oh how kind of you all!

    No, hard work, hard work. They are stubborn, aloof and not particularly interested in what you think. Which isn't to say they don't want to please you, it's just that pleasing themselves is far more important. They are loyal, in their own way, and love their family.

    They're hard to train, since they're not particularly food orinentated, and aren't bothered about toys unless they feel like it, at home. Producing a toy they play with on the sofa at training, will not have the slightest effect. Getting cross with them doesn't make them cower etc, like some dogs, it just makes them think 'Fine. B***** you."

    They are however, divine to live with. They don't smell, they don't dribble, they don't whine. They don't beg, they don't jump up- unless asked for a cuddle very specifically, then they 'stand up'. They're not particularly noisy- though my little red will shout at next doors Shcnauzer, but then he shouts too so hey ho.
    They're difficult to feed though. The cream has a sensitive tum, and having nwo been spade runs to fat very quickly, but before used to starve herself. My red thinks she's anorexic, adn will go days not eating, and then eat a bit, and then go on huger strike again. She runs to thin very easily.

    I haven't made them sound lovely, but they are!
  12. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Chuckle.......thanks for that.
    As I say Mo is a cross, but yes she is aloof (and how!!)
    Training.... well we didn't have that problem she was very well trained when we got her. As you may have read on another of my posts she has staples in her leg at the moment, I caught her lick, lick, licking the wound last night and asked her to stop. She flicked those gorgeous eyes at me and licked even harder, as if to say (as you said!) b****r you.
    As for your other points, she dribbles like hell, especially when begging for food :roll: She doesn't jump, she is quiet, except when the postman comes :roll: Yep Mo can be very fussy when it comes to eating. I am very pleased to hear you say yours will go days without eating, Mo will do the same. This worried me to start with, but now I think oh get on with it you will eat when you are ready!
    Well if my half a Saluki is anything to go by, I agree they are lovely :grin:
  13. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    Honestly, try not to worry about them not eating. My Mother still panics, but frankly, they'll eat when they're hungry. I know you technically shouldn't, but if ours have a long walk and then get fed pretty quick after- obv. once they're heart rate has come down etc. they eat better. Also, feeding them late at night can help...something about them eating only when it's cool in the desert. more like, they enjoy disturbing my evening LOL

    If you're struggling and worried about her, get her a breast of lamb from the butcher- it's £1.50 at ours, and will do four meals- ie a whole day for each of our two. Lamb can work wonders on their weight and can kickstart their appetite!
  14. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    Forgot to say- bless your poor thing- what's she done?
  15. Reisu

    Reisu New Member

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    I know a couple of salukis, they look and sound exactly like yours :shock: both boys though. they got out of their kennel once into the yard, wound all the other dogs up and kept running past me almost near enough for me to grab them.. but not quite :lol: i definately got the b****r you vibe from them :lol:
  16. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    :lol: Ran into something whilst going mad in the woods. This is the second time and is banned from the woods.......... for the time being :lol:
    I don't worry about her anymore, she never starves herself for long. The worse time is when she is in season, so I will bare the lamb in mind for then.
  17. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    It is a fabulous trick- ours are the opposite- her season is the time to get her back up to peak weight LOL You can just feed feed feed when she's in season.

    How coincidental- my elderly white thing ran head first into a wire fence in the woods a couple of months ago, chasing a squirrel LOL At least she didn't need stitches like your poor lass, but she knocked herself very silly.

    Reisu- that sounds about right...the age old, 'I'm coming within 3 ft, but if you stretch your hand out....woosh, laters!"
  18. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    They are really beautiful dogs. There was a man where i used to walk who had one, a very very pale cream colour, she was so elegant and graceful. She used to trot along side him....and his other dog used to plod along behind..... a white was like beauty and the beast.....veyr funny!
  19. zoby

    zoby New Member

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    What two stunning looking dogs :049: :049:

    I had to laugh at your description of life with them - it sounds like my Bichon would be right at home with those two :lol:
  20. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    My friend has 2 Sediki salukis. We went last year to see her new pups. My son used to show the bitch so she new us very well else we wouldn't have gone to see them so early
  21. Llanali

    Llanali New Member

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    Ah, really? Do you know what they are called? They're aren't that many left showing now...I think just mine, Mimrah, Najib and maybe a couple of others...

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