Seized dog pictures (not pleasant) General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Borderdawn, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    In all fairness, maybe the dogs were not vaccinated against it? If they were perhaps they wouldnt of succumbed. Im not defending this in any way, but I think its a valid point. I would guess 7/10 dogs that contract Parvo will probably die.
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  3. springergirl

    springergirl New Member

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    i cannot believe the state of that poor little doggie! i hope whoever is responsible for this is prosecuted and that the owners sue the butt off them too! i hope the public get to know about this, but i bet the police will try and hush this one up!
  4. Meganrose

    Meganrose New Member

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    Thanks for posting Dawn...upsetting as it is. There can be no excuse for neglect:evil: Hope there is a full and thorough investigation.
  5. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    I looked at the photo's last night, I had to come away from the PC gather my thoughts and come back to this thread. It's totally discusting the lack of care the dogs are recieving and those responsible I hope are dealt with and punished severely, I'm sitting here wondering whether those that are responsible for the care of these dogs actually have any dogs of their own? And if so what kind of state their own dogs are in? Makes you wonder!

    Poor babies, I hope all the dogs currently in care of these people are sent home soon so they can recieve the proper care and attention they need without having to rely on these people who are responsible for their care when it's so clear they are not bothered! :twisted: :twisted:
  6. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    I am in no way defending the people that had these dogs in their care, the ulcers should have been treated for sure, this needs to be clarified if any treatment was being given or not as ulcers can be very difficult to treat, also the weight loss, many dogs do not do well in kennel enviroment and will lose weight even if they are being fed well due to stress. i would like to see the results of any investigation into the condition of the dog.

  7. zoeybeau1


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    i would totally agree:shock:
  8. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Your guess would be grossly inaccurate. I worked as a vet technician for seven years, two of those in an emergency practice, and we saw LOTS of parvo, in both vaccinated and unvaccinated, adults and puppies, and it was RARE to lose a dog to parvo. If a dog succumbed to the diseases they were either very very small and died of dehydration, or the owners or caretakers waited to seek treatment until it was too late. With proper treatment, which is primarily supportive fluid therapy, not very expensive, there is no reason why an adult dog should succumb to parvo. Neglect, lack of vigilence, and lack of care. I could maybe excuse the death of one dog to parvo, but four is outrageous!
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Then can you explain when litters are affected its the majority that die? In fact my friend lost 9 Dobermann puppies to this some years ago, the other dogs in the home were fine, all vaccinated, the pups ahd one visit to the vet for a health check before leaving the home and they must of contracted it from there. One survived, he left the day before for his new home.

    A couple of quotes for you, I can provide the links to the full articles if nec.
    Re: puppy deaths of Parvo.
    Stating at least 50% of dogs that contract the disease will die.

    Hope that helps clarify the severity of this disease for you.
  10. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    I have to say that I've heard far more deaths from parvo than those surviving. There was a suggestion that some of the dogs in the kennels had not been vaccinated.
  11. random

    random New Member

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    What can I say that hasn't already been said?

    What a sad sad state of affairs.

    I was also under the impression that a healthy unvaccinated dog with parvo has an average of 30% chance of survival, whereas a healthy vaccinated dog who catches it, has and average 80% chance of survival. This is what I have been told by my own vet, so i'm just going on her advice. I assume she has gotten her information from statistics.
  12. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    All I can say is the treatment regime being used there must not be up to snuff, because our success rate was quite high. Like I said, the ones we lost were either quite small (chi's and such) and thus dehydrated faster than they could be rehydrated, or were brought in so far gone they couldn't be saved. (already uncounscious, agonal, etc) Of course I worked in a Hospital where aniamls were actually treated, not a pound where they were not, or only minimally treated.
  13. kyektulu

    kyektulu New Member

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    Oh by the gods.. IM DISGUSTED

    This is disgraceful, what a sweet little fellow, I would have him anyday.

    The police person whos care this dog was in should be punished severely.

    Poor little darling.
  14. madisondobie

    madisondobie New Member

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    If as an owner you wanted to place your dog in kennels you would have to have up to date vaccinations and vaccinate against kennel cough - so as the police or dog wardens are seizing these dogs surely it is their responsibility to find out if the dogs vaccs are up to date and if not then surely they should be vaccinated when seized???
  15. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    well said! this is totaly out of order! not only should the people in charge of the animals care be delt with, but the cheif constable who insegated this amnasty cc hogan howe should be held responsable for the state of these poor dogs! :evil: :evil:
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    The biopsy results show an aggressive malignant tumour. They are unable due to its size and position remove it. The owners are visiting Liverpool university to see if they can help him. Amputation of the leg is an option, but the dogs condition will not enable that at this time, gaining condition on him has been very difficult, and with this too by the time he is strong enough they feel it will be too late.

    Ill keep you updated.
  17. dollyknockers


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    the treatment of these poor animals is f*****G appalling no animal deserves this sort of treatment.

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