ive had my shiba for almost a year now and she is my life and soul. Recently someone asked me "are shibas meant to have split noses?" And it left me with the question, "are they?!" After incessantly googling pictures of shibas noses I don't think they're are. Could anyone explain why my shiba has a split nose and the implication of this. Also I know both the parents (who I'm still in contact with) who both have "normal" noses. I also have her pedigree certificate proving her pedigree lineage. Thanks.
Some dogs noses do look like they are split in 2, not sure what the correct name is but we at the Rescue Home call them heart noses.
She is beautiful, split noses seem to crop up now and again ,Ive seen a Gsd with split nose though not common, some breeds have a double nose as part of their standard.