Awful phone pictures from today, but I wanted to show off how good she's looking! Here are some embarrassing old ones. Fatwap. She was about 10kg and now, closer to 7kg. Doesn't she look so much better!! Cute as a button
Not awful at all. Quite a classy phone I suspect, - certainly better than my 8 yo Nokia slider anyway. Rather a classy Ripley too! I noticed her in the pool, on the other side. How is the leg these days?
7 K? Makes me ashamed, my Beags are 13.8 and 17 K! It doesn't stop them jumping though. I think I told you at the time, Eddie went through a spell of 1,2,3, hop as a puppy, but grew out of it and went on to do W.Trials.
Yay Eddie!! I've been canicrossing with her a little and she really loves it - only short distances, mind (because I'm a human pudding).
Idk... I think she's more adorable with the weight. She seems to "smile" more and her coat looks better. Just to add, glad she lost it as it's no doubt healthier for her. (Now if only my fat dog could lose some weight, currently 100 lbs/45kg)