Hi there, My whippet is unusually small for her age. She's 2.5 years, 19" at the shoulder, 28 lbs of muscle. She has very muscular thighs and shoulders but a very thin neck, unusually narrow body and very thin legs. Her father did have thin legs but his body was more chunky. Mother has lots of bone and musculature. Not seen a whippet this small. She's not underweight, she's healthy. Just wondering if anyone else has a whippy this lean? Will she fill out any more or is she done?
Hi K. Welcome to the forum, and what lovely pictures of your girl. Actually, I wouldn't call her small. The UK standard quotes 17 - 18.5 inches for Whippet bitches, and 18.5 - 20 inches for dogs. I'm not sure where you are, so I checked the AKC standard as well. This gives 18 - 21 inches for bitches, and 19 - 22 inches for males. Neither standard gives any guide to weight. I would think that she has finished developing now, but she may put on some more weight as she ages.
Hello - welcome to Breedia from Tikva and me According to the details on Breedia - https://www.breedia.com/dogs/whippet Weight: Dogs: 8 - 12 kg (17.6 - 26.4 lbs) Bitches: 5 - 9 kg (11 - 19.8 lbs) Height: Dogs: 47 - 51 cm (18.5 - 20.1 ins) Bitches: 44 - 47 cm (17.3 - 18.5 ins) so your lovely lass does not sound too small.
Hello @k. Smith welcome to Breedia and she looks fine to me and lovely pictures of her and looking at her you can see the well established muscles in her back legs