Just some cartoons I've run across that remind us of how much or dogs love us, even as they cross that bridge... And, of course, the boy by the fire...
Well shucks, let me make your day; the crazy collie boy by the fire is alive , well and just as happy as can be. He just likes laying by the fire. That's a good moment to offset the sadness. And listen up; we should not grieve our lost friends so deeply that we forget to celebrate the time we had with them and rejoice that we had such loyal friends, if only for a while...
Well I had to reread it to remember and it still hits me, but’s it’s ok. That it makes me sad is only a reflection of how much all my dogs have meant to me. Each one has been a blessing in my life, and I’ve enjoyed each and every one so much that I’ve gotten others to share my life with. I think I’ll go get a snuggle with one or both of my current blessings