Yep, I've got four. Lana aged 10, her daughter Carmen aged 5, grand-daughter Calida aged 2 and Poppy aged 9 months.
Only clip mine once a year as I like them with long coats, but when I clip them it's all off. Helps to swim them to keep a nice coat.
Great characters - have a friend who has several and my daughter has used a couple for Junior Handling. Can be aloof with strangers. Very bright. Like alot of gundogs can wrap their owners round their finger! Independant, can be noisy - also sensitive. They like to do stuff! not a sofa dog. The ones I have met have been lovely. So far I haven't been tempted yet despite my friends bullying LOL! Grooming is NO NO! from what I know from my friend but this doesn't mean the coat is dirty just not brushed! Think they clip twice a year? For information you can visit the breed website.
Agree with all of the above although have to say mine aren't noisey, never really have had one that is. Not as independant as other working breeds, they are very much for one person and will do anything for them. They like positive handling and will give back to you what you put into them. The main thing is socialisation espedcially with people.