Tikva is legal again for another year! General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva is legal again for another year!

    Year after year this happens, as it has done for 22 or 23 years now. About two weeks before Tikva [and Pereg and Lexi before her] is due for her mandatory Rabies shot, I telephone Vadim, our Local Authority vet. It usually takes a few calls, mainly leaving a message on his answerphone - some times actually getting an answer from him, and it is usually "I will be there next Tuesday [or whenever".

    And he eventually turns up. Well, the two years prior to last year it was another vet but last year he actually turned up himself. This time I have been trying again but only getting the answerphone to leave a message. Until just over an hour ago I was telephoned by a vet who said she would be here within the hour - and she was!

    So Tikva has had her Rabies shot - which all the vets here are trying to get the Ministry of Agriculture to change the protocol for a shot every two years instead of every year, even though it actually lasts for three years, but no, it is still mandatory every year.

    And it was only 11 days late this year!
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  3. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Thanks you have reminded me I have to get my two legal again now !
    And due to the virus it is going to be cheaper this year.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have a double reason to be glad Tikva is legal then - it has reminded you that your two also need legalising again!

    Vadim has never charged me for the rabies shot. He is not a small animal vet as Local Authority [or town Municipality] vets are responsible for animals for milk and for food, [cows] and poultry for meat and eggs. Also for any meat that is imported. But they are responsible for rabies shots, which are registered with the Ministry of Agriculture along with the pets microchip number, and the microchip number is registered under the owners ID number.

    Vadim used to call in when he was on the Moshav checking on any of the cows or poultry, but I believe that he is now i/c of not just the Local Authority area where I live but also a neighbouring area, and I am not sure where he is actually based now. I always call him on his mobile phone, not at his office, wherever it is. He also used to hold a clinic once a month at his HQ to give rabies shots, but as I say, he has always called in to me when he is either on this Moshav or a neighbouring one.

    As far as I know, the cost for rabies shots for dogs that have been spayed/neutered and are microchipped is subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture and is the equivalent of having a dog licence.

    We are currently under lockdown again as of yesterday and although I have not gone through the restrictions in detail because I am isolating in any case, if it is the same as the previous two lockdowns vets are only allowed to see pets for emergency treatment, not basic things, but obviously that does not apply to the Local Authority vets.
  5. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    When I last saw the vet she came around with a mask on .
    She is a mobile vet.
    We don’t have rabies here , however we have our share of things to keep on top of .

    when you get a dog registered I discovered here , you then are sent a letter , which tells you if you don’t send them money next year , you can get a fine .

    I found it a bizarre situation to volunteer to do the lawful thing , only to then be sent a renewal bill or be extorted by the local council next go round for your honesty cheeky bastards .

    as I said it’s much cheaper this year as they are offering a discount due to the situation ,
    And if I’m not late i will get it .

    I would have paid anyway ,
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not think there are mobile vets here - Ram started coming here years ago when he saw how difficult it was for me to manage taking Lexi to the surgery. Obviously though once Pereg developed epilepsy I had to take her for her regular blood tests, but after she died and Tikva came into my life, he has been coming round again. Actually he assigned Tikki to his then assistant vet but when she left he took the reins again. And Tikki lurves Ram [he thinks she is adorable!].

    Anyhow, Ram comes here every three months to give Tikva her Parkworm shot, leave a Bravecto pill for me to give her when she has her supper, clips her nails and checks her over etc. Every six months it is worm pills, regular shots being yearly of course. There is no law that you have to register a dog when you get one, but it is mandatory for dogs to be microchipped - which many people do not do - therefore the dog is unknown to the MoA. Same as the rabies shot. Too many people just do not bother.

    As for paying Vadim, or whichever LA vet he sends here - I always have money out ready from when I first start telephoning him each year. He [and they] just say they do not want any when I ask how much.

    Ram, of course, has worn a mask when he has been here this year, and the vet who came today gestured to me as she got out of her car that I should also put one on, which I would have done in any case.

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