Toilet training Questions

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by Heather Barcoe, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. Heather Barcoe

    Heather Barcoe New Member

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    Toilet training

    please help, my mum has my pup and is starting to get fed up of him doing his business on the carpet and weeing on the carpet when there are puppy pads all over the house.
    I need her to have him for two weeks but I think she doesn’t want him anymore because of this, I have spoken to her and she isn’t happy he is doing this, even tho I’m telling her we’ve had him 3 days now and he’s settled in well but I think the breeder lied about feeding him what I wanted him on because he goes to the toilet about 4 times in 5 mins after eating.
    Any tips on how I can get him to use the puppy pads? Desperately need help otherwise he’ll be on his own while I work if I don’t suss this out
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  3. Heather Barcoe

    Heather Barcoe New Member

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    I have treated him and praised him when he does it on the pad, but it’s rare

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  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Could your Mum use a play pen to limit the area that he is allowed to toilet in?
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Puppy won’t know what the puppy pads are for, unless he has been taught how to use them.

    I’ve never used puppy pads or newspaper as I don’t see the logic in training pups to go indoors then expect them to go outside it just confuses them.
    It’s really important to prevent accidents in the house as much as possible while teaching to go outdoors, that means you need to supervise him very closely take him out often and encourage him to go and use a cue.
    I always took them in the garden after every feed, drink, playtime, sleep and used a command go toilet waited till they went and gave lots of praise.

    Some puppies need to go out once or twice a night for a few weeks or more, others sleep through the night at a young age.
    Alarm set for every 2/3 hours for first week, working time up till they would whimper if they wanted to go. When they whined to go to the toilet it was a swift, out of the bed, outside for a wee/poo, No playing or fussing or anything else.
  6. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    If you're lucky, you'll be able to house train him within about a month. If not it will take longer. Three days, little or no chance.

    A puppy pen with the floor completely covered with the pads or limiting him to a room with tiled or lino floor will help matters while your mum has him, but he really does need some consistent guidance to actually house train him.
  7. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    I always get a dog pen, and use it as a gate to block the puppy off into one area, like just the living room where I mostly hang out so he isn’t wandering around the house peeing and I can watch him. Could also block off an area where he is just on tile or something similar like in a kitchen.

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