Can anyone recommend some good toys that my 12wk old G Retriever puppy would like. He is very good at settling down with a kong if it has food in it , but I am trying to keep his kong toy for when he is home alone. I am looking for something to occupy him for a while, so I was thinking of activity balls or bones which I could stuff. Any ideas? The picture is from when I turned my back for a minute to stuff a kong!!
Rocky has just discovered these ! cuz, dino cuz etc
rubber lots and lots of rubber cuddley toys rope pulls pigs ears, raw hide chews, raw hide chews with meaty centre raw bones and the latest thing keeping her amused the kitten ifi think of anything else i will add too ATD xxx
i have a treat ball that you can adust the hole to the size of treats, i got mine from P@H and mine love it keeps them going for hours.
I got Dori all sorts of toys when we got her and the only things she really enjoys is a pink ball and a blue rubber ring, she is not bothered buy anything else, and her pink ball is her favourite she will do anything for that. I have just brought her a training dolly to see if she will play with me with that. Katie will play with anything bless her, she loves to find little bits of twigs (well thats the best word to describe them, some of them are so small you wonder what she is looking at ) and you have to flick them so she can go and find them and bring them back, not a toy i would recommend
Thanks, I will be at the pet shop tomorrow and I think I will buy the ball the treats fall out, he's so greedy I'm sure that will amuse him! So far the best toy he has came with him from the breeder, it's a soft toy with a rope tail, she told me she got it from the pound shop, it's lasted well as he plays with it everyday. I think maybe I just want to buy him something!!