Hi all Shamus GSP has been with us 4 weeks now - history unknown but picked up as a stray them put in Pound then rescue. I assumed he was a `failed` gundog because he showed no interest in following a scent, retrieving or going through rough country. He would trot along quite happily on the paths with us, having the occasional sniff. Then a couple of days ago he went into a field of Rape...and suddenly pheasants were popping up all over place. He was so pleased with himself. Then yesterday he flushed a couple more out on a common by the beach where I didn`t realise there were any. Also - he`started picking stuff up around the house (toys, cushions, newspapers) etc. - not to chew - just because he likes picking them up. I`ve started getting him to play with toys, and also training basic obedience, inc. whistle recall and he`s very willing. Any tips on how to help him develop?
My oldest gwp is like that on walks without scent. He will just plod along and to look at him, you would think he was useless in the field - which isn't the case. Get some scent up his nose and he is soo switched on. One thing to watch out for is that now he has found his nose, he will want to use it. The danger is him to learn to free hunt, which results in an out of control dog. It really depends on how far you want to go with him. If you are just wanting to do something for fun, and to give him something to do, I would just get the control there - recall, heeling, sitting, stop etc (if he hasn't already). There are plenty of resources online for helping that, as well as retrieving. There is also the gundog club - www.thegundogclub.co.uk (think that's it), who do have training and tests for hpr's. They produce a training manual which is supposed to be very good. He's a handsome chap. Helen
Flynn has had no proper training (although he starts his Grade One with the Gundog Club next month) but has a very strong instinct. I can remember when he was only several months old, chasing a rabbit through the undergrowth! He's very orally obsessed and loves to pick things up, carry stuff around and is always on the hunt (if it's somewhere where there isnt much game, rest assured he will find a lost dog toy instead!) He's just a year now and I think i've allowed him too much freedom in the past to free hunt and to run around with his retrieves and now i've realised my mistake, i'm working on putting those right. I take him out alone with his dummy which is specifically for training. I do simple retrieves, blind retrieves and retrieves over obstacles and he's learning he has to bring them straight back to my hand. If he drops it at my feet I make him pick it up before taking it from his mouth. I then take him somewhere where there are pheasants so he can practice catching scents etc. Thats as far as i've got because I have no idea how to train him on anything else like "quartering" etc. But thats why we enrolled on a course (be aware that they are expensive!)