I'm personally not that keen on 'extreme' Presas (or in any other breed). Here's a good fit Presa (one from around 1990 I think) much more to my taste:
Don't know how anyone could prefer the look of the first dog to the second one shown. The second one looks majestic. The first one looks 'put together wrong'. Is it supposed to look like that? I thought maybe it was the angle of the camera.
I don't think this looks a 'genuine' dog, the head looks a slightly different colour to the body and as though it might have been superimposed on the body...
Urgh God, they do look like they've been on steroids don't they? :? Why would you want to breed a dog to look like that? I much prefer Azz's pic - looks like a lovely, fit, healthy dog!
Is it "fit for purpose"? What were they bred for? I don't like the cropped ears look either personally.
No idea Rips - no idea whose dog it is either but it's been sitting in my Flickr for ages. I must have used it for an older thread at some point. Not a fan of cropped ears either.
They look like the breeders are using the Bulldog as inspriration, they also look like the breeders are paying no notice to the original function of the breed, apart from the one that Azz posted, why do people breed for traits that aren't gonna help the breed?
In this case possibly because it makes 'em look 'ard! It might be that they're using the dog for a different function, weight pulling etc?
Could be something like weight pulling, but I've seen some of the lovely slim pit bulls excelling on that, and looking at these their legs seem very square, like the bulldog, so I'm wondering how that will help them doing different things aswell?
hello there, the dog in the 1st pic,is an in pressive dog,in all breeds there is what they call, endomorph,and mesomorph...some dogs are built, naturally and some not.you see this in pits...some are chizled and some are not...it looks real to me....