Unwell puppy! Questions

Discussion in 'Presa Canario' started by Kaate, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Kaate

    Kaate New Member

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    Unwell puppy!

    Can anyone shed any light?
    My poor 6 month old presa has been unwell for the last 3 weeks. We got him from a reputable breeder down in England. When we got him he was a 5 months old and been on a solid diet of CSJ puppy Champion kibbles, he had normal and regular poops. For the last 3 weeks he has had loose stools, occasionally verging on just water... we have had him at the vets, had him rewormed, had Panacur and Canikur and metronidazole antibiotics... he has had a few formedish poops, now back to loose stools. All the tests have come back clear, and htey have commenced a further course of metronidazole antibiotics. Essentially the vets have no clue what is wrong with him.
    Is this common with presa's? I have spoken to the breeders and this was not an issue for them, nor was it an issue the first few days we had him.
    Can someone please help my little man?

    Thanks :)

    Kate :) x
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  3. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Looking at the ingredients of CSJ puppy there is a lot of ‘wheat/maize and salt, which might not be agreeing with him, I would try and find a good cereal free food.

    It’s also advisable to put large breeds on adult feed to slow down growth, to stop putting a strain on bones and joints.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    How closely to you getting him did his stools start to become loose. From reading your original post, it sounds like it was within the first week?

    If so, there may be a certain amount of stress behind his problem. It also sounds as though he had a long journey to get to you? That could have added to his unease.
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    I had a similar issue with Rocky when I got him - but then I remembered something my cat breeder said, that Bengals do not tolerate food that is too rich. So we put him on a fairly 'bland' Pascoes Chicken dry food - at the time it said it did not contain any artificial flavours or preservatives and it seemed to have done the trick.

    What I know now, I would suggest trying the BARF diet (raw food) as that is species appropriate.

    He later went on to having epilepsy and also needed a cruciate op - both of which have been linked to the gut, so definitely, look into the barf diet :)
  6. Esa

    Esa New Member

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    I have a 4 and a half month old champion bloodline presa canario and was ill but had a slight ear infection which has been cured.
    I advise you to ask the breeder and check the breeders location as if it was a healthy place and clean for a og as many dog 'farmers' have viruses with there dogs which can kill instantly.

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