Good morning everyone. I just adopted Kira from a shelter and after bathing and brushing her I started to wonder why does her hair is like this, wavy and so messy. I’ve uploaded her photos here: I can’t really know much about her genetic heritage or what her parents were or looked like. Could she be mixed with another breed, is it a health issue or is this normal in pups? Will it stay like this as she grows or will it straighten? BCs physical appearance is not something I know much about, but now that I’ve got one I want to learn and know everything about them; even if she’s not pure, I’m in love with this dog. None of my dogs learned tricks so quickly. She’s around 2 months old. If you think she’s not pure, which breed would you guess she’s mixed with? I’d love to have any clue
Difficult to say, especially if those photo's were taken after bathing and brushing her. What I can say is that my previous Border Collies hair didn't resemble his adult version. My hubby insisted he must be a cross, but he wasn't as could be seen when he reached maturity. Your little one is gorgeous