What’s up with my pups fur? Questions

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by Ana Crestani, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Ana Crestani

    Ana Crestani New Member

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    What’s up with my pups fur?

    Good morning everyone.

    I just adopted Kira from a shelter and after bathing and brushing her I started to wonder why does her hair is like this, wavy and so messy.

    I’ve uploaded her photos here: https://imgur.com/gallery/8ysIAYs

    I can’t really know much about her genetic heritage or what her parents were or looked like.

    Could she be mixed with another breed, is it a health issue or is this normal in pups? Will it stay like this as she grows or will it straighten?

    BCs physical appearance is not something I know much about, but now that I’ve got one I want to learn and know everything about them; even if she’s not pure, I’m in love with this dog. None of my dogs learned tricks so quickly.

    She’s around 2 months old.
    If you think she’s not pure, which breed would you guess she’s mixed with? I’d love to have any clue :D
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
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  3. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    CaroleC and GsdSlave like this.
    Difficult to say, especially if those photo's were taken after bathing and brushing her.

    What I can say is that my previous Border Collies hair didn't resemble his adult version. My hubby insisted he must be a cross, but he wasn't as could be seen when he reached maturity.

    Your little one is gorgeous

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