When is a sheepdog not a sheepdog? Photos

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by Snorri the Priest, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson

    When is a sheepdog not a sheepdog?

    Answer: when it has conned its way into the house.....

    or when it has engineered a trip to the beach.......

    or when it goes to see its human relatives:

    In fact, any time it has managed to sucker a human into making a pet of it!

    Border Collies are born con-merchants!

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  3. BrandieSnap

    BrandieSnap New Member

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    Aww great pictures :grin:

    Sounds like they've got you wrapped around their little paws!
  4. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    Ever since they were small enough for me to wrap my little paws round them, Brandie!

  5. wufflehoond


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    Here Here Snorri and don't we know it. Speaking from experience having woken up with a Border Collie sharing my pillow!!!!!!!!!:roll: :roll: :roll:
  6. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    I woke up one morning, many years ago now, to find that a Cocker Spaniel was not only sharing the pillow, but had wriggled under the sheets with me! I haven't had a BC do exactly that yet, but I suspect that it will happen one day, if I leave the doors open! They do like their comforts!

  7. Emm

    Emm New Member

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    awh excellant pictures :grin:
  8. wufflehoond


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    Ah yes, Cassie will always be comfy often to the discomfort of OH and myself:roll:
  9. tjhoe68

    tjhoe68 New Member

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    Awwww, your boys are loverly :smt049

    Great pics Snorri :grin:
  10. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    I said they loved their comforts, but, on second thought about the third pic - that is Loch Morlich (near Aviemore), it is fed from all that snow melting, and it's only just above freezing point. Kali may like his comforts, but I didn't claim that he was 100% sane!

    (He was just a wee boy then - 11 months or so. He's older now, but not wiser - he'd still dive in head-first!)
  11. jake


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    awww loveley dogs loveley pictures :grin:
  12. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Fab photos - Your dogs are gorgeous!

    BUT ... a pet collie CAN also be a sheep dog :) ...

  13. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    Agreed, if you have sheep access to train them! My Kali would probably try to eat them, Snorri-dog would just run away (he runs from the dreaded collie-eating moths and beetles as it is - he'd probably die of fright if he was shown a sheep :lol: )

    My two are definitely "shonky sheepdogs", who looked round the barn when they were born, and decided that their best career move was to find some daft humans who would give them the life of luxury for doing nothing! In their view, Border Collies were not born to live in draughty barns and run after sheep, but to slob out in a warm house, with a comfy bed and a well-filled nosh bowl - all for minimal effort!

    Kali got himself picked by licking me on the nose when he was three weeks old (good scientific puppy-picking :lol: ) and Snorri gained his preferred career just by looking like Kali! If they knew what "work" was, and that they ought , perhaps, to be doing some, they'd probably keel over :shock:

    Well-conned (Kali at three weeks of age, his first successful fib!)
    I never stood a chance, really!

    (changed a bit in the intervening 11 years)
  14. BrandieSnap

    BrandieSnap New Member

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    Aww Snorri, Kali is so tiny there! I guess it's not the normal way to choose a pup but that's a very cute story :) :lol::lol:

    My mum picked her puppy because it climbed in her handbag :lol:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2005
  15. tjhoe68

    tjhoe68 New Member

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    Awwww, Snorri that's such a cute way to be picked :grin:
  16. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    Yep, it was that sort of "I think you're great" lick - and the wee beggar has never done it since. He thinks he's too macho for all this affection poo. Besides, he has got what he wanted now, and doesn't see the need to carry on with the con :shock: !
    Snorri-dog, on the other hand, maintains his compulsion to be there - up to the point of being "clingy" They may be very nearly identical to look at, but they are quite different in "dogsonality" :shock: :lol:

    Ah well, the scientific method in their being chosen may be lacking, but they're a healthy pair of farmyard tinks!

    On a more sombre note, though - with his overshot top jaw and his epilepsy, I sometimes wonder what Snorri's fate might have been if he'd gone to a farm as a working dog. Probably not good :shock:

  17. tjhoe68

    tjhoe68 New Member

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    Awww bless him, of course, he's got his feet planted firmly under the table so no need for any of that soppy stuff now :lol: :lol: :lol: He sure is a babe though as is snorri dog :grin:

    I'm sure he's in the bestest home with you and you're probably right about where he could've ended up. I truly believe in fate and it was obviously fate which led you to Kali :grin: He's a very special boy :grin: Andhe has a wonderful daddy who spoils him rotton, I mean, what more can a dog ask??? :lol:
  18. wufflehoond


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    Awww...Snorri what a cute pic of Kali:grin:
  19. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I love the stories of Kali and Snorri :)

    Moss chose me by being the biggest and fluffiest in the litter and he kept clambering over his siblings to get to me.

    I dread to think what would have happened to Snorri had he gone to a farm to be a working dog :-( Needless to say, suffering with epilepsy, I very much doubt he would be around today. Soooo, he has certainly landed on all four paws at Snorri Mansions.

    I sometimes wonder what kind of dog Moss would have become had he gone to another farm to be a working dog ... he is such a soft wuss who loves all his creature comforts but guess he would have adapted to a barn or being chained to a barrel had he had to :?

    Keep the tales of the Orkney collies coming - I love 'em.
  20. BrandieSnap

    BrandieSnap New Member

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    You are probably right :-( So it is great that he ended up with you. It sounds like he has the best home he could have with lots of love.
  21. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    Hmmmmm, probably what the older locals call "seven and six" - the price of a shotgun cartridge in "old money" - and what I think of as his best qualities would have counted for nothing :shock:

    I think both my Boys are loveable, but to someone who doesn't know them, I think Snorri-dog is the more instantly-loveable of the two, even if he does bark his head off when he meets new people - a few minutes after the "stranger" arrives, he will be there with one of his toys, offering that most delightful of treats - a handful of drool!

    A few years ago, Mrs S was thrown out of her job by her lying puke of a boss, just because she had been signed off with stress. She nearly had a breakdown, and I reckon that Snorri-dog had a very strong hand (paw?) in getting her over the immediate problem, and that he was worth his weight in pure platinum Incidentally, Mrs S tried to take her a/h of a boss to an Industrial Tribunal. After farting about for weeks, he eventually paid handsomely to get out of it, because he knew he'd lose. Snorri-dog certainly earned his biscuits then!


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