When the terrier comes out... Behaviour

Discussion in 'Terrier Forum' started by kammi_sparky123, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    When the terrier comes out...

    Alfie being half terrier and half "utility" dog, has traits from both. He is more terrier in personality, but a slightly more diluted version... if that makes sense :lol:

    (People question the shih tzu in him but never the jack russell... :lol: )

    He ignores my rats, LIKES the rabbit (he licks her head :roll:), ignores birds (unless they get in the conservatory), if he finds a dead baby bird he carries it around and throws it in the air to play with it :roll: but if he sees a squirrel, the terrier/jack russell comes out straight away! :shock: :lol:

    He does his little "terrier stance" and runs after it, but not like just wandering after it, this is full on :shock:

    I remember the first time he barked properly... dad was in the shed in the garden in the dark and we went out into the garden for Alfie to do a wee and dad came out the shed, again the terrier stance came out and he went mad :shock: :lol:

    So funny seeing him change so fast lol.

    Also if he smells a mouse in the grass when we are out the terrier comes out in him again :lol:

    Anyone else's cross breed "flip" between breeds? :lol:
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  3. WhichPets

    WhichPets New Member

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    My dog isnt a terrier, but as soon as she sees a squirrel (or hears a noise in the bushes) she stands bolt upright prancing around or bolts off to chase it.
    There are baby squirrels out at the moment, so not an ideal time! She found a dead baby squirrel a couple of days ago, but just sniffed it and walked off.

    Alfie sounds very sweet :)
  4. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Haha awww!

    So funny though :lol:
  5. Deb/Pugglepup

    Deb/Pugglepup New Member

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    Both my two love to chase squirrels around the garden.

    Molly (Yorkshire Terrier) Knows exactly where they have gone when they have run up a tree. Mindy (Beagle X Pug) runs around the trunk wondering where the hell it has gone :grin: :grin: :grin:
  6. SLB


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    Louie works the field (sort of - if you can call it working :lol: I just think he's all over the place) like a Springer - does the zig zags and is very quick - tail never ceasing. But with retrieves, he is very Lab like, slow and steady..

    Sadie is confused.. when she sees cattle (and the time she slipped her lead) up close, she kind of hop skips and jumps up to them but barks.. thats the terrier but she is very obsessive with the ball - like a collie - but I suppose terriers are too... I don't know with her tbh.. she's just Sadie..

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