Whippet Discussions

Discussion in 'Whippet' started by Discussion Thread, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. ssrinc5@earthli

    ssrinc5@earthli New Member

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    Just wanted to say hello to all that love whippets! Chase is my first whippet, and he's the most amazing dog I've ever lived with.

    Hindy :039:


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  3. Lottie

    Lottie New Member

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    I'm currently 'fostering' a whippet x lab and he seems to have a much more whippety temperament than lab although he uses his nose a lot which I suspect is more labbish!

    He is a year old and will just settle down at home but when out is manic! The only thing is, his recall aint great! I think this is probably due to very inconsistent training as he's currently with his 3rd owner (but living with me until she move to accomodation that will allow him - very long story!).

    Can I ask if anyone has any tips for getting his attention when out and about? He gets very distracted and obviously, being a sighthound, chases things but we need to work on it to keep him safe. Any ideas as to what will get through to him? With my dallies food works every time but he just isn't interested and often doesn't look at you long enough to realise you have a ball for him to chase if he comes back!

    He also pulls like a maniac on the lead, distracted by sights (whippet) and smells (lab!) as well as being naturally faster than we can go! - is this common in whippets or is he more likely to have got the pulling from the labby side?
  4. pat182

    pat182 New Member

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    never did manage to get myself a dog in the end as injured my knee at work back in october and now been told i need an operation so lucky as wouldn't of been able to take him/her out but hopefully once sorted i can start looking again, want one even more as someone local has one and keep seeing them on thier walks lol
  5. tova

    tova New Member

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    Hi Hindy and welcome to Dogsey!
    Your whippet Chase is lovely. Great photos- I have a Greyhound and I know it's not easy to get good action shots, they're so fast!:lol:
  6. Fernsmum

    Fernsmum New Member

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    I have 3 whippets and I would say pulling om the lead is not a whippet trait as far as I'm aware .
    As for getting him to come back to you have you tried showing him some very special food treat before you let him off the lead or maybe a squeaky toy . When my whippets were young they would not come back while chasing something but that tended to be rabbits so the chase would not last long. Two of my whippets are Nimrodel whippets don't know if anyone has heard of them , one is 15 and the other is 13 . My other whippet is a rescued one :)
  7. Fred&Mya'smum

    Fred&Mya'smum New Member

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    aww lovely pics everyone. My mum has just got a whippet puppy, he's 12 weeks old and an absolute sweetheart. What do you feed your whippets? He's on Wagg puppy, is this ok? Mums asked me to ask as she doesn't have a computer :grin:
  8. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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