Whippets with tails between their legs - why?. Questions

Discussion in 'Whippet' started by Zara's_Momma, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Zara's_Momma

    Zara's_Momma New Member

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    Nat or Debbie (depending who's online!)

    Whippets with tails between their legs - why?.

    Hi everyone, I have been re-searching Whippets for some time now but they always seem to be pictured with their tail between their legs? Why is this? I have also noticed this with greyhounds too, but not as much :?.

    Any Ideas???
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  3. Westie_N

    Westie_N New Member

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    It's just their natural stance, but their tails can and do wag, especially the whippets. :grin:
  4. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    It's natural for them to do it although some do carry their tails. I have 1 my oldest who carries his tail curled over his back. All mine wag their tails but if they should hit you with it it is like a whip.

    Amber has a very waggy tail

    Her dad Owen is the same

    I can't find any more waggy tailed whippet photos. The tailfor them and for greyhounds is like a rudder to help them when they are running.
  5. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    We now have a whippet and agree it seems to be just the way he likes to have his tail but mainly it's only like that when hes standing still, when hes moving it goes down out behind him and curves up and when excited it goes up higher and he does wag quite a bit, I think it adds to there character how they have there tails you can tell how relaxed or excited they are.
  6. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    What beautiful elegant whippets, they are a credit to you they look in fab condition.

    I can vouch for the tail whipping, it ruddy well hurts !

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