i now have two bull breeds a american bull cross and a staffie i think the main reason i got my staff is my ex had one and i fell in love with her she was a wicked dog now at raainbow bridge though.i also didnt like all the negative press they get so i wanted to do my part to show how great these breeds are. must admit my staff has been hard work got him at 1 year and a half he had so much energy as hed never relly been walked. but id def get another bull breed would love a full american bull
My family always kept retrievers and Labs which were nice but not all that fun, all my mates who had dogs had staffs and little terrier types that were always so much fun to be around, they made growing up and playing down the woods so much more fun. When I was 22 I moved from my flat into my own house so I thought it was time to get myself a dog. I wanted something as fun as the dogs my friends had but with a bit more substance, I looked at some well bred rottweilers to begin with then saw an American Bulldog outside a shop and knew that was what I wanted. Got my 1st AB a few weeks later, I had her from a pup to two years when I had to have her pts. I had rushed out and brought the 1st cutest AB pup I could find knowing nothing about the breed, she was a nervous wreck from a puppy and gradually got worse even with help from some well respected trainers..She eventually started getting funny with strange kids and went for one unprovoked so I did the responsible thing...Hardest thing I'v ever had to do!! Absolutely heartbreaking. From getting Kimba and meeting other AB owners online and at shows I met my new pups breeders, my boy is from their 1st litter they ever bred. I went up to meet the parents that I allready knew everything about and pretty much knew their peds photographically in my head lol..They were absolutely perfect and exactly what I wanted when I 1st looked for a dog, my boy is 10 months old now and the best dog I'v ever been around let alone own..It's a real priveledge to be with him every day and I still don't really know how I managed to get such a well bred dog from probably some of the most respected people in the UK AB world. Here he is - Cage
I have 2 staffs a staff cross and a full staff, ever since my unlce had his staff kane i knew i wanted 1 and have ended up with 2 and never looked back its been great. Mia has been incotinent since birth wich has been hard work but worth it